Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8

9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Liquid-Argon TPC R&D Workshop - CDF Big Room
Registration fee: $26
Register in person

Undergraduate Lecture Series - Curia II
Speaker: Rod Walton, Fermilab
Title: The Green Physicists' Dilemma: Sustainability at the Frontiers

1 p.m.
All-Office of the COO meeting - Auditorium

3:30 p.m.


Wednesday, July 9

9 a.m.-4:40 p.m.
Liquid-Argon TPC R&D Workshop - CDF Big Room
Registration fee: $26
Register in person

3:30 p.m.

4 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: Nathaniel Fisch, Princeton University
Title: Wave Compression in Plasma

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Take Five

Weather Slight chance of thunderstorms

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Secon Level 3

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Flags at full staff

Wilson Hall Cafe

Tuesday, July 8

- Breakfast: All-American breakfast
- Breakfast: bacon, egg and cheese bagel
- Grown-up grilled cheese
- Smart cuisine: pork loin with raspberry sauce
- Italian lasagna
- Gourmet chicken salad croissant
- Classic cobb salad
- Green pork chili
- Chef's choice soup
- Assorted pizza by the slice

Wilson Hall Cafe menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 9
- Spiced pork tenderloin with summer relish
- Grilled potato planks
- Apple pie squares with bourbon caramel sauce

Friday, July 11
- Roasted vegetables with pasta
- Striped bass
- Lemongrass rice
- Wilted spinach
- Lime tart

Chez Leon menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Andreas Kronfeld appointed Hans Fischer senior fellow

Andreas Kronfeld

Last week, Fermilab Theory Group scientist Andreas Kronfeld was offered a Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship at the Technical University of Munich Institute for Advanced Study.

The three-year fellowship is awarded to outstanding international scientists who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM research group. The fellowship program is one of the so-called excellence initiatives, begun in 2006, sponsored by the German federal and state governments.

The fellowship supports research activities and one Ph.D. student.

As a Hans Fischer senior fellow, Kronfeld will spend nine months of the next three years at TUM. He and his host, Nora Brambilla of the TUM Physics Department, have planned a research program to apply effective field theories and lattice gauge theory to further the understanding of QCD and other strongly coupled systems.

In Brief

Google hangout with CERN: Higgs news

Join CERN's Google hangout to talk with scientists about the latest result in particle physics.

Today at 10 a.m. Central time, CERN will host a Google hangout from the ICHEP conference in Valencia, Spain, on the latest news about the Higgs boson and more. Chat with Fermilab and CMS scientist Don Lincoln and with incoming CMS scientist Caterina Vernieri about new results in particle, neutrino, flavor and astroparticle physics as well as physics beyond the Standard Model.

The URL for the event will be updated on the event's Facebook page just before the event begins. You can also watch the event live on CERN's YouTube channel.

From symmetry

Measuring the lifetime of the Higgs boson

Scientists are looking for new ways to determine the quick-as-a-thought lifetime of the Higgs boson, which could point the way to new physics.

For all the media attention the Higgs boson has received over the last few years, it certainly doesn't stick around very long to soak it all in. Once produced, it decays in less than a sextillionth of a second.

Despite its brevity, the lifespan of the Higgs boson could lead scientists to the next major discovery at the LHC.

Scientists are looking for better ways to measure this property of the Higgs boson to find out if it agrees with predictions from the Standard Model of physics. If it doesn't, it could be a sign of undiscovered particles or forces at work.

Some particles — such as electrons and protons — are extremely stable and remain unchanged for billions of years or more. But many more massive particles — such as muons, top quarks and the Higgs boson — are unstable and quickly decay into more stable particles (such as electrons) shortly after they are produced.

By calculating the average lifespan of these unstable particles, scientists can develop a deeper understanding of their properties and the role they play in our larger understanding of physics.

"When a new particle is discovered, the first thing everyone thinks about measuring is its mass," says Fermilab theorist John Campbell. "But lifetime is a very important fundamental property that we also need to test to better understand the particle."

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Sarah Charley

In the News

APPEC: Neutrino physics enters the global era

From Interactions.org, July 7, 2014

The agencies and laboratory directors gathered at the International Meeting on Large Neutrino Infrastructures hosted by the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC) in Paris on 23 and 24 June 2014, agreed that the understanding of the neutrino sector is a worldwide priority promising physics beyond the Standard Model, in a unified theoretical framework that goes from the electroweak scale to the highest energy scales. Furthermore, this program is complementary to neutrino related measurements made in cosmology and provides crucial input to the knowledge of the universe.

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Director's Corner

A new approach

Fermilab Director
Nigel Lockyer

Fermilab's future is looking bright, following the release of the P5 report, which strongly recommends that the United States pursue a world-leading neutrino physics program hosted at Fermilab. Several additional key projects that Fermilab leads or participates in were also endorsed, including the CMS Phase I and Phase II upgrades, Mu2e, Muon g-2 and experiments to study dark energy, dark matter and the cosmic microwave background.

A new approach to our organization is required if we are to be successful in building all of these projects over the next decade while operating the accelerator complex at ever higher power for the neutrino program. At last week's all-hands meeting, Fermilab's new deputy laboratory director, Joe Lykken, was announced, new chief operating officer Timothy Meyer was introduced, and Fermilab's new organizational structure was unveiled. The new organization aims to fulfill three main goals to ensure our success:

Improving internal communication
Our new organization replaces associate laboratory directors and sectors with chiefs who head offices that focus on a main thrust: accelerators, computing, finance, operations, projects, research or technology. An expanded senior management team will meet frequently to share information and coordinate activities, and the members will be responsible for helping me improve internal communication so that all employees understand the lab's direction and priorities.

Improving labwide coordination of construction projects
The P5 report has poised Fermilab to carry out a suite of construction projects unprecedented in size and number for an Office of Science laboratory. The newly created position of chief project officer, held by Mike Lindgren, will be accountable for the successful execution of this large suite of projects in tandem with the successful operation of our scientific program.

Emphasizing neutrinos
The creation of a new Neutrino Division, headed by Gina Rameika, provides a visible, organizational home for our short- and long-baseline neutrino program recommended by P5. The Neutrino Division will start small in the early fall and will grow over time as the neutrino program matures.

Other key changes to our organization include the creation of an Office of Campus Strategy & Readiness, to be headed by Randy Ortgiesen and to include the Facilities Engineering Services Section. This new office will be responsible for forward planning for our lab's aging infrastructure.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we explore the exciting scientific opportunities ahead of us.

Photos of the Day

Swallows' song

Baby barn swallows cry for their mother on June 27 on the front porch at Site 52. Photo: Lori Limberg, ESH&Q
Their growth is visible only week later. Five appear in the nest. Photo: Lori Limberg, ESH&Q
A parent hears their cry. Photo: Lori Limberg, ESH&Q

Lecture Series - Technology for Advanced Neural Prostheses - July 11

Fermilab prairie plant survey - July 12, July 23, Aug. 9

Deadline for on-site housing requests for fall 2014 and spring 2015 - July 14

Register for the C++ Fermilab software school - Aug. 4-8

Scottish country dancing Tuesday evenings in Ramsey Auditorium

International folk dancing Thursday evenings in Ramsey Auditorium

Fermi Days at Six Flags Great America

Employee Appreciation Day at Hollywood Palms Cinema