Wednesday, Sept. 30
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- U.S. manufacturer passes SRF cavity benchmark
- From the WDRS: Putting your ideas to work
- ES&H weekly report: Sept. 29, 2009
- Prairie Seed Harvest Oct. 3
- From Batavia Republican, Sept. 28, 2009: Batavia artist donates painting to fight hunger
Tuesday, Sept. 29
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- East gate change Q&A
- Director's Corner: An unusual visit
- Restored prairie attracts local species, students
- Computer Security Awareness Day talks today
- From BBC News, Sept. 28, 2009: LHC gets warning
system upgrade
Monday, Sept. 28
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- Mentors wanted for Diversity Office's FermiLINK program
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Health: Childhood vaccination for whooping cough wears off
- From Quantum Diaries: Last shift
- From The Guardian, Sept. 22, 2009: Is the Large Hadron Collider worth its massive price tag?
Friday, Sept. 25
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- From symmetry breaking:
JLab, Fermilab collaboration keeps things humming
- NOvA uses Recovery Act funds to prepare Fermilab
- Classes, events and discounts for October
- Computer Security
Awareness Day
- Oddone, Tollestrup speak at scientific discussion Sept. 28
- From Suburban Chicago News, Sept. 24, 2009: Astronomy Day planned in Naperville
Thursday, Sept. 24
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- East gate to close 1 to 5 a.m. beginning in November
- Result of the Week:
A tip-top analysis
- University Profile: University of
- Video of the Day:
Fighting the flu
- From symmetry breaking: Fermilab workshop to explore how proton accelerators could produce nuclear energy
- From, Sept. 23, 2009: Department of Energy announces accelerator symposium
Wednesday, Sept. 23
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- Summer students’ work aids mu2e experiment
- From the Particle Physics Division: Our collider detectors:
tuned and taking data
- Prairie Seed Harvest Oct. 3
- Benefits announcement:
Submit advance leave agreement form
- From Physics World, Sept. 21, 2009: Is dark matter
mostly 'dark atoms'?
Tuesday, Sept. 22
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- Tune IT Up: IMAP password reminder
- Director's Corner: WIN09
- Fermilab aids earthquake engineering network
- Spanish, Latin art lecture at 12:15 p.m today in Curia II
- Photo of the Day: TD celebrates 1 million hours worked without injuries
- From Quantum Diaries: The Tevatron is Back!
- From Discover Magazine's Cosmic Variance, Sept. 21, 2009: Endgame for the Tevatron
Monday, Sept. 21
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- Shutdown, startup put Tevatron back in business
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Safety: Collisions can be
a dark matter
- Flu shots available for high risk employees Oct. 1
- Interview with CERN Director General Rolf Heuer
Friday, Sept. 18
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- Benefits announcement: Temporary flu leave policy now available online
- Dark matter search moves forward with prototype test
- Recovery Act funds high-availability computing center
- Wilson Hall domestic water service interruption Sunday
- Buffalo Fest today
- Tune IT Up: IMAP password reminder
- From Daily Herald, Sept. 17, 2009: Local small businesses make contacts
Thursday, Sept. 17
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- Visa issue expert Susan Brown helps foreign visitors
- Fermilab Result of the Week: Subatomic taffy and the strong force
- University Profile: College of William and Mary
- From Science News, Sept. 19, 2009: Interview: Murray Gell-Mann
Wednesday, Sept. 16
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- Mosaico Hispanico
- From the CMS Center: Ready to go
- Tune IT Up Q&A
- From symmetrybreaking, Sept. 11, 2009: Gamma-ray burst hits highest energy yet
Tuesday, Sept. 15
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- Flamenco, folk music, food mark Hispanic Heritage month
- Director's Corner: Gran Sasso-Fermilab meeting
- Photo of the Day: Fermilab in morning fog
- From Science News, Sept. 26, 2009: Hunting hidden dimensions
Monday, Sept. 14
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- From symmetry breaking: Inventing a thingamajig for NuMI's "mission impossible"
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Environment: Environmental protection question? Contact your EO
- From Wired Science, Sept. 9, 2009: Last days of big American physics: one more triumph, or just another heartbreak?
Friday, Sept. 11
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- CMS Result of the Month: Top like you never saw it before
- Recovery Act Feature: It starts with a hole
- URA Visiting Scholars applications due Sept. 18
- Tune IT Up: IMAP password reminder
- From New Scientist, Sept. 9, 2009: Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers
Thursday, Sept. 10
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- Fermilab’s future needs quality and safety now
- Result of the Week: CDF soups up its Higgs analysis machine
- New Quality Assurance site features links and Q&As
- Project X collaboration meeting Friday, Saturday
Wednesday, Sept. 9
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- All-Hands meeting 11 a.m. today in Auditorium
- Baltimore butterflies relocate to Fermilab
- New federal regulation may mean staff will contact you
- From the Business Services Section:
Preparing for flu season
- ES&H weekly report: Sept. 8, 2009
- From, Sept. 9, 2009: Space station experiment to hunt antimatter galaxies
Tuesday, Sept. 8
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- All-Hands meeting 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9
- Ned Goldwasser comes home to celebrate 90th birthday
- Director's Corner: An unusual visit
- From CERN Bulletin, Sept. 7, 2009: 3.5 TeV : a good start!
Friday, Sept. 4
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- Fermilab life of LabFest
- Recovery Act Feature:
ARRA funds SRF technology, U.S. industry to benefit
- Photo of the Day: Giant puff ball fungus from Fermilab's forestr
- From New Scientist, Aug. 31, 2009: Tevatron tightens up the race for the Higgs
- From symmetrybreaking: Turkey plans an accelerator center
Thursday, Sept. 3
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- All-Hands meeting 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9
- Quality Assurance: Audit coming up:
Know your representative
- University Profile: The University of Manchester
- Result of the Week: Quantum mechanics,
DZero style
- From Batavia Republican, Sept. 2, 2009: Museum brings new butterflies to Fermilab
Wednesday, Sept. 2
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- Ned Goldwasser to give special colloquium today
- From the Accelerator Physics Center:
The bedrock of collaboration
- Fermilab launches muon collider Web site
- Explanation of the Day: Physics potential of muons
- ES&H weekly report Sept. 1, 2009
- From Universe Today, Aug. 28, 2009: COLBERT, Leonardo and a neutralino heading for space station
- From symmetrybreaking: Particle plushie designer digs Fermilab
Tuesday, Sept. 1
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- Ned Goldwasser to give special colloquium Wednesday
- Director's Corner: On vacation
- Photo of the Day: Shutdown: CDF detector open for repairs and upgrades
- New siren preserves energy and lives