Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015
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Fermilab at Work

Wilson Hall Cafe menu

Chez Leon menu

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Timecards for Nov. 16-22 are due Friday, Nov. 20

English country dancing at Kuhn Barn with live music - Nov. 22

Workshop on Booster Performance and Enhancements - Nov. 23-24

School's Day Out: Nov. 23-25

No international folk dancing on Thanksgiving

Professional and Organization Development 2015-16 fall/winter course schedule

Holiday travel planning for foreign nationals

Fermilab prescription safety eyewear notice

Open pickleball league at the gym

Indoor soccer

Scottish country dancing Tuesdays evenings at Kuhn Barn

Employee discount at Warrenville Oil Express

Employee discount at RX Auto Care


Fermilab Today

Director's Corner

Frontier Science Result

Physics in a Nutshell

Tip of the Week

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Special Announcement

Save the date: All-hands meeting, celebration - Dec. 18

A director's all-hands meeting will be held on Friday, Dec. 18, from 2 to 3 p.m. in Ramsey Auditorium followed by an all-hands celebration in the atrium. All employees, users and contractors are invited to attend.

In Brief

West parking lot closures, rerouting

The west parking lot is currently under construction. Please obey signage and allow extra time if you travel in this area.

Installation of the new industrial cooling water pipeline is scheduled near Wilson Hall until mid-December, with minor restoration work continuing through the end of the year as weather permits.

Over the next couple of weeks, please be aware of road closures, parking lot closures and traffic rerouting in and around the west parking lot of Wilson Hall. Be sure to allow extra time if you travel near this area and follow directional signage, which will change frequently.

In Brief

Submit timecard early this week

All employees should submit their timecards by 10 a.m. this Friday, Nov. 20. Supervisors should approve them by noon on Friday.

If you forget to submit them early, you will likely receive a friendly reminder call or email from the Payroll Department.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Photo of the Day

Business end of the Cockcroft-Walton

Cockcroft Walton, accelerator
Here's a perspective of the Cockcroft-Walton you don't often see. Photo: David Mertz, ESH&Q
In the News

Synopsis: LHC data might reveal nature of neutrinos

From Physics, Nov. 18, 2015

As recognized by this year's Nobel Prize in physics, evidence now points to neutrinos having mass (see 7 October 2015 Focus story). But this opens up new questions about why the neutrino mass is so much smaller than other particle masses. One solution is to assume that the neutrino is a different kind of particle — one that is its own antiparticle. A new theoretical study shows that observations of W boson decays at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva could potentially uncover the antiparticle nature of the neutrino.

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Director's Corner

A new era for Fermilab international relations

Fermilab Director
Nigel Lockyer

You may have heard LBNF/DUNE described as "the first truly international megascience project hosted by DOE in the United States." And you may have (rightly) wondered: What does this really mean? What makes LBNF/DUNE different?

The key differences are the model and the scale for international partnership. The historic model was for the host laboratory — Fermilab — to make key initial decisions about what type of accelerator and detector to build and then to invite international partners to join in finalizing and executing the vision and doing great science. With LBNF/DUNE, the global community came together to design the project internationally right from the start.

This model is brand new for DOE, and success will require new approaches, great flexibility and a lot of hard work. To implement a successful international relations strategy, Marcela Carena has accepted the newly created role of director of international relations.

Marcela Carena

Marcela is well-known at Fermilab and around the world as an accomplished theoretical physicist. One glance at her CV tells you that she is also highly suited to work as a Fermilab ambassador to countries around the globe. She speaks six languages, has conducted particle physics research on three continents and frequently interacts with the public about physics, discussing our work in ways that everyone can understand.

Also recently appointed head of Fermilab's Theory Department, she holds a professorship at the University of Chicago, is a fellow of the American Physical Society, has served on the U.S. Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, is the recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award and is currently vice chair of the APS Division of Particles and Fields.

As international relations director, Marcela will promote contact and collaboration with global partners, establishing new ties and strengthening existing ones. As she develops a strategy for international engagement, she'll interface with agencies both here and abroad, including the United Nations, the State Department, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. She will also be in regular contact with the CERN directorate.

Fermilab is moving into a new era, one in which we hope to host the country's first truly international megascience facility. We are all energized by the fact that Marcela has agreed to help develop and implement the international strategy that will be critical for LBNF/DUNE success. Please wish Marcela success in her new role.

In the News

Einstein's unfinished dream: marrying relativity to the quantum world

From, Nov. 18, 2015

This November marks the centennial of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. This theory was the crowning achievement of Einstein's extraordinary scientific life. It taught us that space itself is malleable, bending and stretching under the influence of matter and energy. His ideas revolutionized humanity's vision of the universe and added such mind-blowing concepts as black holes and wormholes to our imagination.

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