Fermilab Today Announcements
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Zumba Fitness Registration Due August 20
Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape at the original dance-fitness party. Zumba® classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Before you know it, you'll be getting fit and your energy levels will soar! It's easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating. Class will be held on Thursdays, August 27 – October 15, in the Fitness Center Exercise Room from 12-12:45pm. Fee is $50/person. Register by August 20th. For more info contact Jeanne in the Wellness Office at jecker@fnal.gov or x2548.
Yoga Thursdays Registration Due August 20
The next session of Thursday Yoga will be held on Thursdays, August 27 - October 22 (no class 10/1) from 12-12:45pm in the Wilson Hall Ground Floor East Training Room. Fee is $60. Register by August 20 in the Wellness Office, WH15W. For more information contact Jeanne atjecker@fnal.gov or x2548.
Fermilab Prairie Plant Survey
Be a field scientist along with Fermilab docents to help monitor prairie restoration. Learn to identify plants, map a prairie quadrat, and gather data that will be used to help track the progress of the prairie. Join us on one or more of the following dates: Saturday, August 15, or Saturday, September 19, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. A complete schedule of sessions and registration information can be found at http://ed.fnal.gov/programs/quadrat. For more information, contact edreg@fnal.gov or x8258.
Fermilab Golf Outing
Fermi Golf League will host a Final Outing at Orchard Valley Golf Course, 2411 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, on Fri., Sept. 11 at 7:30am. Shotgun start. "Shamble" format. Pick best drive of foursome. Contest holes, individual & team prizes. League handicaps or fun "blind" handicaps for those without a hdcp. Individuals or foursomes composed of Fermi employees, retirees, Users, active contractors, and immediate family are eligible. $55 (golf, cart, range, hot lunch, and contests). Cash or check (Fermilab Golf League) due by Aug. 28. Contact William Wester, wester@fnal.gov, x2113; Don Arnold, arnold@fnal.gov, x2871; Mike Matulik, matulik@fnal.gov, x4091; Kevin McDonough, kevinmic@fnal.gov, x3721.
September AEM Meeting date change
The All Experimenters' Meeting in September will meet on Monday, September 14, 2015. This is a change from what was previously announced because Sept. 7th is Labor Day and a holiday at Fermilab. Please make a note of this new meeting date.
Zumba Toning Registration Due August 18
When it comes to body sculpting, Zumba® Toning raises the bar. Learn how to enhance rhythm and tone all the target zones, including arms, abs and thighs. Zumba Toning is the way to sculpt your body naturally while having a total blast. Zumba Toning will be held on Tuesdays, August 25 – October 13, in the Fitness Center Exercise Room from 12-12:45pm. Fee is $50/person. Register by August 18th. For more info contact Jeanne in the Wellness Office at jecker@fnal.gov or x2548
Yoga Mondays Registration Due August 17th
Stretch, move, and refresh in this all-level Yoga class taught by certified instructor, DeeAnn Carlson. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this class will help you feel both energized and relaxed. Alignment-based poses and flowing movement combine to improve your flexibility, strength and balance. Please bring your own yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. Class will be on Mondays, August 24–October 19 (No class 9/7 or 9/28) from 12-12:45pm at the WHGFE Training Room. Fee is $55. Register by August 17. For more info contact Jeanne in the Wellness Office at jecker@fnal.gov or x2548. Registration forms available at http://wdrs.fnal.gov/wellness/classes.html
"Ask Me about Library Services" booth in atrium today
Stop by the "Ask Me about Library Services" booth in the Wilson Hall atrium from Aug. 10-14 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to learn more about the Fermilab Library.
Nominations for Physics Slam 2015 due Monday, August 17
Nominations for Fermilab's 4th annual Physics Slam (scheduled for November 20) are now being taken. Submit a short video explaining your proposed topic by Monday, August 17. Details are at http://www.fnal.gov/culture/NewArts/Lectures/15-16/physics-slam-info.shtml. If you have any questions contact physicsslam@fnal.gov.
Call for proposals: URA Visiting Scholars Program - Deadline is Aug. 31
Universities Research Association Inc. has announced a deadline of Aug. 31st, for the submission of applications for the fall 2015 cycle of awards in the URA Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) at Fermilab. Award recipients will be notified by the end of September. These awards provide financial support for faculty and graduate students from URA's 89 member universities to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. URA makes two rounds of awards each year, in the spring and fall. The application deadline for the spring 2016 cycle is Feb. 29, 2016. For details on the URA Visiting Scholars Program, visit http://www.fnal.gov/pub/forphysicists/fellowships/ura_visiting_scholars/index.html
Python Programming Basics is scheduled for October 14-16, 2015
Learn the basics of Python programming and become proficient enough to apply the language for day to day tasks. For more information and to enroll, visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=3647
Python Programming Advanced on December 9-11, 2015
This course is for individuals who have basic Python Programming skills and are interested in learning intermediate and advanced skills. For more information and to enroll, visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=3691.
Fermi Singers invite all visiting students and staff
The Fermilab Singers invite all visiting summer students, as well as regular staff, to join them in singing a variety of Madrigal and Modern vocal music each Wednesday from noon until 1pm on the Ramsey Auditorium stage in Wilson Hall. No prior experience or tryouts are necessary. All vocal parts (SATB) needed, (we will sort you if you don't know your vocal part!) Please stop by on Wednesday, or contact Terry Hart tlh@fnal.gov for more information.
Outdoor Soccer
Outdoor Soccer is on Tuesdays (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) and Thursdays (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm) and Sundays (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm) at the Village Soccer Field. Please contact O'Sheg Oshinowo at Oshinowo@fnal.gov for more information.
International folk dancing Thursday evenings at Ramsey Auditorium
International folk dancing is held every Thursday evening, starting at 7:30 p.m. through September 3, in the air-conditioned comfort of Ramsey Auditorium in Wilson Hall. Newcomers are always welcome. There is instruction and dances for children and newer dancers early and request dancing later on. The group dances year- round, moving to Kuhn Barn after Labor Day. For more information email folkdance@fnal.gov or check http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/ or call 630-840-8194 or 630-584-0825.
Scottish country dancing meets Tuesday evenings in Ramsey Auditorium
Scottish country dancing meets Tuesday evenings through September 1, in the air-conditioned comfort of Ramsey Auditorium in Wilson Hall.
Dancing is held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome and are paired with experienced dancers -- no need to come with a partner. For more information email folkdance@fnal.gov or check http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/scottishdance/ or call 630-840-8194 or 630-584-0825.