Fermilab Today August 20, 2012 - August 24, 2012

Fermilab Today Announcements

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Word 2010 classes scheduled
The Professional Development courses has scheduled the following Word 2010 course for this fall. Click on the provided link for details or to enroll: Word 2010: Intro: Intro - http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=6799 - Word 2010: Intermediate http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7279 - Word 2010: Advanced http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7282 - Word Tips, Tricks, and Techniques http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=3632.

Excel 2010 classes scheduled
The Professional Develpment Office has scheduled the following Excel 2010 courses for this fall. Please click on the provided link for details or to enroll: Excel 2010: Intro - http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=6800 - Excel 2010: Intermediate http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7280 - Excel 2010: Advanced http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7283 - Excel Shortcuts http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=3631.

Access 2010 classes scheduled
The Professional Development office has scheduled Access 2010 classes for this fall. Click on the link provided for details or to enroll: Access 2010: Intro - http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=6801 - Access 2010: Intermediate http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7281 - Access 2010: Advanced http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=7284 .

Fermilab Arts & Lecture Series - Broadway's Next H!T Musical - Sept. 22
"Hilarious!" - New York Times Broadway's Next H!T Musical is NYC's original, award-winning improvised musical comedy! Broadway's Next H!T Musical abandons the same ol' song and dance to create a brand new, fully improvised musical comedy every show! Every lyric, melody, and jazz hand is made up on the spot to create a show that is spot-on, energetic and absolutely hilarious! The show's 1st act is an award ceremony spotlighting songs from 4 "Best Musical" nominees based on audience-created song titles, and the second act is the ENTIRE musical based on the winning song from Act 1. For more information please visit http://www.fnal.gov/culture.

Understanding Fee Disclosure Statements
TIAA-CREF will present a seminar on August 29th to help you understand the fee disclosure information that you have recently received. The seminar will be presented by Diane Short, the Relationship Manager. The one hour presentation will be given at 9:00 a.m. and at 11:30 a.m. in the CURIA II conference room located in Wilson Hall on the 2nd floor southwest side of the building. Please bring your copy of the “Summary of Plan Services and Costs” and “Investment Options Comparative Chart” for the 401(a) and 403(b) plans. If you have any questions, please contact Wilma Cardona at x6800.

Fermilab Arts & Lecture Series - Epigenetics: Is the Age Old Debate of Nature vs. Nurture Merely a Question of Packaging? - Sept. 7
Epigenetics is the emerging branch of science aimed at understanding how environmental influences (diet, stress, xenobiotic exposure) can act on an organism at the level of controlling gene activity and how these environmentally induced changes may be inherited by offspring. Until recently, epigenetics was a catchall for all we do not yet understand about heredity beyond the double helix of DNA, but new research suggests that these epigenetic pathways may be far more general and central to genome management than ever imagined. Lecture by Dr. Alex Ruthenburg, U. of Chicago - Sept. 7, 8 pm - $7. For more information please visit http://www.fnal.gov/culture.

Upcoming email anti-virus & anti-spam handling changes TODAY
A new anti-virus and anti-spam system will be implemented August 23. Any email or attachment determined to contain a virus will be cleaned or blocked as with the current system. Suspected spam will be delivered to your junk mail folder. Outlook and Webmail will automatically use the new system. Mac Mail and other email client users must set filter rules in their clients in order to have suspected spam automatically moved to their junk folder. For instructions on setting filter rules for Mac Mail and Thunderbird, see the Service Desk website http://fermi.service-now.com/fsc/.

Paddle Boat Tour on Thursday, August 23
PADDLE BOAT CRUISE ON THE FOX RIVER at 3:30 p.m. Join Capt Anderson who has piloted the boats since 1945 up the Fox River to Elgin and back. See the spectacular views, birds, and homes on the river. Cost: $7.50 adults $6 children 15 years and under, 3:30 p.m. departure. Optional lunch at 1:45 p.m., have a delicious Northern Indian/Nepalese lunch at the Taste of Himalayas restaurant in St.Charles; Buffet $10 or order off the menu. RSVP by August 22 to Pauline Berberian at epber@sbcglobal.net or (630)587-6468.

Jonathan Asaadi is the winner of Abri Credit Union's palm tree pool drawing.

Butts & Guts Offered Twice a Week
The next session of Butts & Guts will offer two classes. Tuesdays, 8/21-10/16 (no class 10/2) from 12-12:45pm at the Fitness Center Exercise Room. Fee is $53. Thursdays, 8/23 - 10/18 (no class 10/4)from 12-12:45pm at the Fitness Center Exercise Room. Register by Friday, August 17th, for one or both of these classes in the Wellness Office, WH15W. For more info call Jeanne at x2548.

Bowlers Wanted 2012/2013 Season
The combined Fermilab & Nicor Wednesday Night bowling league (FERMTHERM'S) is looking for more bowlers to participate in a fun evening of entertainment and friendship. We are looking for complete teams of (4) or if you can subsitute in someone's absense. This is a non-sanctioned mixed league with Fermilab, NICOR, employees, friends, & families. Bowling starts at 5:30pm sharp. Cost is $15.00 a week: includes: Bowling, Red Pin Nights, Prize funds and a Banquet. Located at the Bowling Green Sports Center 09/5/12 - 3/27/13. Contact: Mike Mascione at (630)896-1401 or m.mascione@sbcglobal.net.

Scottish country dancing in Ramsey Auditorium through August 31
Scottish Country Dancing will meet in Ramsey Auditorium this Tuesday, August 7, and for the remaining Tuesdays of August (before moving back to Kuhn Barn in September). Dancing is held from 7:30 - 10 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. More info at (630)584-0825 or (630)840-8194 or email folkdance@fnal.gov or visit http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/scottishdance/.

International Folk Dancing in Ramsey Auditorium through August
International Folk Dancing will meet in Ramsey Auditorium this Thursday, August 9, and for the remaining Thursdays of August. Dancing is held from 7:30 - 10 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. More info at (630)584-0825 or (630)840-8194 or email folkdance@fnal.gov or visit http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/.

URA Visiting Scholars Program deadline - Aug. 27
Universities Research Association has announced a deadline of Aug. 27 for the submission of applications for the fall 2012 cycle of awards in the URA Visiting Scholars Program at Fermilab. Award recipients will be notified at the end of September. These awards provide financial support for faculty and students from URA's 85 member universities to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. URA makes two rounds of awards each year, in the spring and the fall. For more information, visit http://www.fnal.gov/pub/forphysicists/fellowships/ura_visiting_scholars/index.html.

Project Management Introduction class scheduled in September
Learn to: Identify steps required to effectively and efficiently manage a project; Iniatiate, plan, schedule, evaluate, control, and lead projects to meet time, cost and performance objectives; Apply the principles of good team leadership; Recognize common snags and pitfalls that occur in projects and determine the best ways to anticipate them, avoid them or minimize their impact if they do occur; Analyze current project management practices and recommend improvements. Enroll at http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=6099.

Outdoor Soccer: 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Outdoor Soccer: 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Village soccer field. For more information contact O’Sheg Oshinowo at joshinowo@fnal.gov.

Fermilab Management Practices Seminar Schedule begins Oct. 4 - Dec. 6
The Fermilab Management Practices Seminar (FMP) provides new supervisors and managers with the essential tools for effective leadership and management. It also provides experienced supervisors and managers with the opportunity to update and renew their management skills. The FMP Seminar consists of six courses:  Managing within the Law  Job Descriptions and Employment  Behavioral Interviewing  Interaction Management  Performance Review  Fermilab Functions Oct. 4 - Dec. 6 http://wdrs.fnal.gov/train-dev/courses.html.

Interpersonal Communication Skills - Nov. 14
Increase your awareness of your communication skills and personality type. Assess your communication strengths and weaknesses; understand the differences between passive, assertive and aggressive communication; learn how to speak with more enthusiasm, expressiveness and clarity; become a more effective listener; learn how non-verbal messages affect communication; learn how to work and communicate more effectively with different personality styles; and set specific communication goals. http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=2865

Atrium work updates
Follow the progress of the Wilson Hall atrium construction with updates from FESS here http://fess.fnal.gov/atrium_construction.html.

Fermilab employee discounts

Raging Waves Waterpark - Fermilab employees are now able to buy discounted tickets for Raging Waves Waterpark with the added convenience of printing your admission tickets and presenting them at the entrance turnstiles, bypassing ticket booth lines. Go directly to online store 24/7 at https://tickets.ragingwaves.com and enter this personalized Store Name: Fermilab.

Bristol Renaissance Faire employee discount - Fermilab employees can purchase and print online tickets to the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Click on Premium Partner and enter code BRX723 at http://www.renfair.com

For more information on any of the above discounts, call Jeanne at x2548 or e-mail jecker@fnal.gov.