Fermi National Laboratory

Volume 25  |  Friday, January 18, 2002  |  Number 1
In This Issue  |  FermiNews Main Page

The Photo Exhibition

"I have always felt that science, technology, and art are importantly connected, indeed science and technology seem to many scholars to have grown out of art.”
—Robert Rathbun Wilson

Fred Ullrich
All three descriptions of contrast are celebrated in this photographic exhibition. Look around at the variety, texture, and characteristics of these images to reinforce this theme. When comparing my work to the exhibition’s title, I will argue my most successful efforts are the narrowly focused dissimilar images of similar or familiar objects, on which I have used the natural light. It is these dissimilar qualities that catch my eye, interest me and motivate me to work hard to create a picture.

Reidar Hahn
Light is my silent partner. Although it can stream in a window, break through the clouds, or flood a canyon without making a sound, to me it speaks volumes. However, there are no true silent partners in any relationship. After all why have a partner if the partner remains silent? This relationship is no different from any other. Sometimes we fail each other, sometimes we fail together, and in some, often serendipitous, moments we strike harmony.

On the web:

Contrast: The Photo Exhibition

last modified 1/18/2002   email Fermilab
