Fermi National Laboratory
2004 Fermilab APS Fellows

Mike Syphers Mike Syphers of Fermilab's Accelerator Division, for his contributions to non-linear beam dynamics and beam optics design, and to education in accelerator physics; nominated by Physics of Beams

Bob Tschirart Bob Tschirhart of Fermilab's Computing Division, for leadership in the Fermilab kaon physics program, especially on the study of rare kaon decays; nominated by Particles and Fields

Arlene Lennox Arlene Lennox of Fermilab's Accelerator Division, for her leadership in the field of neutron therapy; nominated by the APS

Bob Bernstein Bob Bernstein of Fermilab's Particle Physics Division, for the design and construction of a novel neutrino beam that made possible unprecedented precision measurements; nominated by Particles and Fields

Peter Cooper Peter Cooper of Fermilab's Computing Division, for outstanding leadership in experiments studying charm and strange particle physics; nominated by Particles and Fields

Victor Yarba Victor Yarba of Fermilab's Technical Division, for his technical leadership of frontier accelerator projects in Russia and the US and for fostering international collaboration; nominated by Physics of Beams

last modified 01/06/2005    email Fermilab
