Fermi National Laboratory

Expert explains Fermilab's goose activity

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)


In the last couple of days I ran into three geese fights, and geese that would not leave the road when I drove up. Is that kind of behavior normal for the time of year?

              Mieke van den Bergen (Office of Public Affairs)


The geese activity you have observed is definitely typical for this time of year. In fact it is a little later this year than usual due to the cold March. The resident geese have paired off and are establishing their breeding territories. Some are already sitting on nests. Apart from fighting among themselves and harrassing joggers the geese indulge in another behaviour whose purpose is less obvious. One will often see them perched on buildings and even cars. I have no idea why but I do know that it generally only happens during the early spring.

              Peter Kasper

(Peter Kasper is a Fermilab physicist in the Particle Physics Division and a bird expert)

Birds of Fermilab

last modified 4/11/2001   email Fermilab
