Tune IT Up

From Fermilab Today, January 20, 2010

Personally identifiable information training required


Fermilab takes the job of preventing identity theft and protecting the privacy of employees and users seriously.

This is why all Fermilab employees must complete a training course about protecting personally identifiable information.

The training, which takes about 15 minutes, explains how to handle personally identifiable information, or PII.

At Fermilab protected PII is defined as an individual's name in combination with one or more of a list of items including medical records, social security, passport, visa or personal credit card information. Employees may come across PII in resumes, conference databases or trip reports.

Employees who have already taken the course are not required to take it again. Employees who do not complete the course within the next couple of months be reported as delinquent.

The training is available online, and the Computing Division offered it at the recent annual Computer Security Awareness Day.

To take the training, go to the TRAIN class schedule page and sign in with your employee ID. Select the training category "Computing" and click "Submit."

Next, click on "Protecting Personal Information at Fermilab." Click on the button "Go to Online Test." This will generate an e-mail message with a link to both the test and the training material.

Once you have reviewed the training material, take the online test to complete your requirement.

Last modified: 09/30/2011 |