Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012

Have a safe day!

Tuesday, Sept. 25

3:30 p.m.


Wednesday, Sept. 26

Special Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: Marge Bardeen
Title: As Kids Say, Volunteers Rock! (Seminar on Education Volunteering at Fermilab)

3:30 p.m.


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Take Five

Weather Mostly sunny

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Secon Level 3

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Flags at full-staff

Wilson Hall Cafe

Tuesday, Sept. 25

- Breakfast: All-American breakfast
- Golden broccoli and cheddar
- Kiwi pecan chicken salad
- Country fried steak
- Smart cuisine: honey dijon pork chops
- Ye olde fish and chips
- Gourmet chicken salad croissant
- Personal pizza

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Sept. 26
- Crab cakes with Cajun aioli
- Lemon orzo
- Sautéed tri-color peppers
- Sour cream pound cake with raspberry sauce

Friday, Sept. 28

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Through the eyes of our neighbors

A Photowalk participant snaps pictures of cryomodules in the Industrial Center Building. Photo: Reidar Hahn

On Saturday, Fermilab hosted 50 photographers, both amateur and professional, for the laboratory's 2012 Particle Physics Photowalk. Guides took photographers on a tour of five laboratory locations usually closed to the public, including the CDF detector, the Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator at NML, the Muon Ring (the former Antiproton Source), the Grid Computing Center and two Technical Division buildings, IB1 and ICB. Photographers had 30 minutes at each location to take as many pictures as they wanted.

So how will we find out how neighbors and particle physics enthusiasts viewed our laboratory through their eyes and camera lenses? In the coming weeks, Photowalk participants will submit their favorite pictures, to be judged in an international competition curated by Interactions.org. Images taken at Fermilab and Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y., will represent the United States, competing with photos taken at Canadian laboratory TRIUMF in Vancouver, B.C., and at several Science & Technology Facilities Council laboratories in the U.K. The best shots from the 2012 Photowalk will be displayed in Wilson Hall and online. (You can check out the winners of the 2010 Photowalk competition.)

The Fermilab 2012 Photowalk drew people from as near as the Savannah subdivision in Batavia and from as far away as Atlanta, Ga. Fermilab thanks the more than 20 volunteers from across the laboratory who gave up their Saturday morning to guide tours, provide access and keep everybody safe.

Winners of the Fermilab competition will be announced this fall. Winners of the Interactions international contest will be revealed early next year.

Andre Salles

Photos of the Day

Technical Division annual picnic at Kuhn Barn

Members of Fermilab's Technical Division gathered on a cloudy Sept. 21 in Kuhn Barn for their annual picnic. Photo: Jessica Orwig
Technical Division Head Giorgio Apollinari, Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim and engineer Cosmore Sylvester enjoy the crisp outdoors. Photo: Tom Nicol
Engineer Luciano Elementi performs a handstand in the grass at the annual Technical Division picnic. Photo: Tom Nicol
In the News

Fermilab prepares for a future of muons

From Nature News Blog, Sept. 22, 2012

At Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, protons were always the primary particles, coursing through the circular tracks of the Tevatron, which until 2009 was the highest energy collider in the world. But there's a new particle making the rounds at the Batavia, Illinois campus: the muon, a heavy but short-lived cousin of the electron — interesting both for its usefulness in testing the Standard Model, as well as potentially being used someday in a powerful collider.

Read more

Director's Corner


Fermilab Director
Pier Oddone

Over the last couple of weeks we have had two notable successes: achieving "first light" with the camera for the Dark Energy Survey and erecting the first block of the NOvA detector at Ash River, Minn. These major milestones would not have been possible without the hard work of many of our dedicated employees. Kudos to all of you!

"First light" for any telescope or astronomical instrument is a moment of great excitement, one in which everything comes together for the first time – telescope, instrument and sky. It is a very special moment both for the people who design and build the instrument and for the astronomy community. Having spent years planning DECam's design and overseeing the camera's construction, the Dark Energy Survey collaboration was able to show the world magnificent images right out of the gate.

DECam achieved first light on Sept. 12, and very quickly it began producing high-resolution images of far-away galaxies. Later this year, after commissioning the instrument and verifying its performance, the DES collaboration will begin collecting data using different types of observations to understand the nature of dark energy, the mysterious force that is accelerating the expansion of our universe.

As is nearly always the case in our community, the success belongs to many: The collaboration comprises institutions from the U.S. funded by both DOE and NSF and institutions from Brazil, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The 570-megapixel camera was constructed and tested at Fermilab, where the components built by the laboratory and our partnering institutions initially came together. The components of the camera were then shipped to Chile and reassembled and installed on the Victor M. Blanco telescope at NSF's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, operated by the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory. The NOAO made extensive improvements to the telescope before DECam arrived at the observatory. And almost immediately after it achieved first light, DECam entered popular culture: Media reports on the Dark Energy Camera's first light appeared in more than 200 publications and outlets around the world, and Jay Leno pronounced how much better the recent pictures by certain paparazzi would be with a 570-megapixel camera.

Our other recent major success was the erection of the first of 28 blocks of the NOvA detector in Ash River, Minn. This was very special because the blocks are so massive – five stories tall and equally as wide. Each block, built from plastic extrusions, weighs 190 metric tons when empty of scintillator oil. Workers glued the plastic extrusions into a horizontal block and then transported and rotated it into its final position using a giant pivoter, one of the most remarkable mechanical contraptions I have ever seen in particle physics. You can watch all this in a time-lapse video. The project is going well. One block down, 27 more to go!

Construction Update

Continuing NOvA Near-Detector Hall excavation

A Kiewit employee puts tools away for the night. Photo: Cindy Arnold

Toward the end of a night shift, a Kiewit Infrastructure Co. employee positions a hydraulic excavator with milling head at the excavated portal for the NOvA Near-Detector Hall.


Today's New Announcements

Mac users: upcoming changes to VPN client software

Abri Credit Union's Shred, Recycle & Donate Event at Romeoville Branch

October School's Day Out - Oct. 5 and 8

Writing for Results: E-mail and More - Oct. 30

Word 2010: Intermediate class offered in October

Word 2010: Advanced class offered in November

Excel 2010: Intermediate course offered in October

Excel 2010: Advanced class offered in November

Word Tips, Tricks & Techniques class offered in November

Excel Shortcuts class offered in November

Prescription safety eyewear notice

Chess club starting new season

Change in Users' Office hours

Discussion of the views of Sam Harris on religion

International folk dancing in Kuhn Village Barn

Scottish country dancing in Kuhn Village Barn

Martial Arts classes

Outdoor soccer - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Additional professional development courses

Atrium work updates

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