Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone
We have started a vigorous effort to answer Office of Science Director Bill Brinkman's charge to Fermilab to find a path forward to reach the goals of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment in a phased approach.
A steering committee led by Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim, with many of the LBNE stakeholders as members, will guide the study. The steering committee will have two working groups: the physics working group, led by Mel Shochet of the University of Chicago, and the engineering/cost working group, led by Mark Reichanadter of SLAC. The steering committee will provide guidance to the working groups and will ultimately write the report for DOE. The physics working group will analyze the physics reach of the various phases and alternatives on a common basis. Similarly, the engineering/cost working group will provide cost estimates and analyze the feasibility of the proposed approaches with the same methodology. These two groups will provide to the steering committee factual input that covers as many aspects of the various options as possible.
To inform the community, discuss the status of the work in progress and seek input, we will hold a workshop on April 25 and 26 that is open to all interested parties.
The time scale for concluding these studies is very short because the results will influence the Congressional budget process for FY13 and the Office of Science planning process for FY14. We plan to have a preliminary report by June 1, which will be vetted by our Physics Advisory Committee and the FRA Board of Directors. A final report will be available on July 1.