Independent laboratory-wide survey on ES&H culture
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone
I would like us to participate on an independent survey on ES&H culture. For the survey to be effective as a learning tool for our laboratory, I am encouraging everyone to participate. The survey is done by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Department of Safety Science, funded by the Alcoa Foundation. The DOE has encouraged all its laboratories to participate.
Workplace surveys such as the one we want to participate in are designed to hear from everyone in the workforce. They empower the workforce to provide input in order to make the most robust and safe program possible. While individuals taking the survey will remain anonymous, the results of the survey (i.e. collective responses) will be used to give us a picture of where we are both at the lab as a whole and in Divisions/Sections/Centers. Since this is an independent survey that other DOE laboratories have been invited to participate in, we will also get a comparison of our results versus other labs and facilities. It will help us to determine where to focus our resources in improving our safety culture. For these reasons, our goal is at least a 70 percent participation rate.
There are two different surveys, one for people who mainly supervise or manage and the other for those who mainly do not. Management and supervisors will report on the safety practices in their group, while employees will report on things such as safety climate, their engagement in the safety program, their safety behaviors and their perceived working conditions.
Responses are anonymous and will automatically be stored in a database corresponding to organizational groups at the Division/Section/Center level.
The survey is online and should take roughly 15 minutes. If you feel you mainly supervise personnel, please fill out the management/supervisor survey, otherwise please fill out the employee survey. If you do not have access to a computer, there are ones available on the ground floor of Wilson Hall across from the Credit Union. There will also be paper surveys made available. Please contact your supervisor for more information.
All personnel will receive an email reminder giving the link to both surveys. Please participate so we can get the most out of this survey.