Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012

Have a safe day!

Tuesday, Feb. 21
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: Timur Shaftan, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Title: Experiments with a Single Electron Circulating in a Storage Ring

Wednesday, Feb. 22
1:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: Henning Back, Princeton University
Title: DarkSide and its Low Radioactivity Argon Target
2 p.m.
LHC Physics Center Topic of the Week Seminar - Sunrise WH11
Speaker : Michael Peskin, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Title: Light Composite Higgs: The Third Way to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking - Part 1
3:30 p.m.

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Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Tuesday, Feb. 21

- Breakfast: Bagel sandwich
- Tomato bisque soup
- Lemon pepper club
- Liver & onions
- Smart cuisine: Korean garlic chicken
- Grilled chicken Caesar salad wrap
- Assorted calzones
- Rio Grande taco salad

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Feb. 22
- Oven roasted trout w/ lemon dill stuffing
- Steamed green beans
- Blueberry crisp

Friday, Feb. 24

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Result of the Week

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Special Announcement

Lunchtime concert - today

Waubonsie Valley High School's Mosaic Ensemble will perform in Ramsey Auditorium today. The 30 minute concert will be held from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 pm. The program is an Initiative of Fermilab's Diversity Council.


How to save a life: Preserving the physics of John Linsley

This photo of John Linsley is from the Fermilab Archive. It was taken in 1977 and most likey depicts Linsley near the Volcano Ranch experiment in New Mexico, where Linsley observed the first ultra-high energy cosmic ray.

On his death bed, cosmic ray pioneer John Linsley made it clear that he wanted to leave a legacy.

"He kept repeating that he didn't want his stuff thrown into a dumpster," said Linsley's daughter-in-law Joanna Quargnali-Linsley, who took care of him his last six weeks. "But Linsley never liked institutions, so there was no obvious place to donate his papers."

After Linsley's death in September 2002, Quargnali-Linsley spent the next several months looking for an organization that could preserve Linsley's lifework. Former Fermilab director John Peoples and Ruth Pordes of the Computing Division supported its disposition at Fermilab..

"Linsley's research represents the pre-history of the Pierre Auger Observatory, and part of Fermilab's focus is the cosmic frontier. It made sense for us to take on his collection," said Adrienne Kolb, Fermilab's historian, archivist and the leader of this project. Nobel laureate Jim Cronin and Alan Watson, both former Auger co-spokespersons, endorsed the preservation of the collection in the Fermilab Archives.

In late 2004, 26 boxes filled with binders, notebooks and files documenting Linsley's colorful life arrived on the Fermilab Archives' doorstep.

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Sarah Charley

In Brief

Communication webinar today

Fermilab's Employee Assistance Program will offer a webinar today titled "The art of listening and giving feedback."

The webinar will address how good communication is the foundation for healthy relationships, both at home and at work. It will be broadcast at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Anyone interested in viewing the event should visit the Fermilab EAP website with the User ID "fermilab" and the password "eap". This event is one of the monthly one-hour webinars offered by Fermilab's Employee Assistance Program.

In the News

Answers ahead for physics' puzzles

From msnbc.com, Feb. 17, 2012.

This year, particle physicists are aiming to get definitive answers to the questions that consumed them last year: Does the Higgs boson, potentially the final fundamental piece of the Standard Model puzzle, actually exist? Could there be new physics beyond the Standard Model, which is arguably the most successful scientific theory of the 20th century?

And just as importantly, can neutrinos really fly faster than light, as findings from Italian lab suggested last year?

"I have difficulty to believe it, because nothing in Italy arrives ahead of time." Sergio Bertolucci, research director at Europe's CERN particle physics center, joked today during a scientific meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

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In the News

'Interesting' Higgs Boson results to be announced

From Discovery News, Feb. 18, 2012.

It may not be the long-awaited news about a Higgs boson discovery, but an "interesting" announcement will soon come from scientists analyzing data from the Tevatron particle accelerator at Fermilab, near Batavia, Ill.

Wait a minute, isn't the Tevatron in semi-retirement? Yes and no.

Although its house-sized particle detectors have seen their last high-energy collisions, huge quantities of Tevatron data have yet to be analyzed.

Analysis: What IS the Higgs Boson anyway?

According to Rob Roser, lead researcher of the Tevatron's CDF experiment, there's something hiding in the data that could support recent findings to come from the Tevatron's European successor, CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). What's more, the announcement will be made public next month.

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Director's Corner

On the positive side...

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone

Last week I described the cuts to the laboratory budget proposed for FY13 that would make our life quite difficult if they are enacted. This week I want to focus on the positives: our program is supported in the President's Budget Request (PBR) and we are on track for an exciting near-term research program. However, the long-term program remains under pressure. With enormous emphasis placed, in this election season, on reducing the deficit and getting the country's finances in order, turbulent times are ahead and our future plans have to take into account this uncertainty. As always, we will continue to do our best to give maximum value for the support we receive.

So what's in store for our near-term program? In May our accelerator complex will shut down to complete upgrades of the Main Injector for the NOvA program. Beams will return in FY13, delivering neutrinos to the MINOS+, MINERvA and NOvA experiments. The PBR maintains the expected funding profile for NOvA, which will allow completion of the detector in 2014 along with completion of the MicroBooNE detector. By 2014 these four experiments will all be running, making for a very strong neutrino physics program.

The PBR also contains funding for new initiatives in muon physics such as the Mu2e experiment, a major enterprise that will be completed later in the decade, and the Muon g-2 experiment. With these two experiments we are developing a muon campus that will serve us well into the future. Our strong participation in the CMS experiment at the LHC also continues and there is funding for the further development of advanced accelerator technology, Project X and the muon accelerator program (MAP), dark-matter experiments and the Dark Energy Survey.

Looking farther into the future, given the cuts in the PBR to our long-term programs we are working with the DOE Office of High Energy Physics to chart a course. Both the Office of High Energy Physics and the Office of Science are supportive of our laboratory and want us to maintain our strength and contributions to the world's particle physics program, but they labor under huge external pressures. We are also consulting with stakeholders in Congress, the OMB and OSTP to understand what our best strategy will be in response to the cuts. It will be a couple of months before we will be able to say anything about the course that we will follow given the PBR. In the meantime, we have a lot of exciting work to do.

Accelerator Update

Feb. 17-20

- The EDIT School took beam in the MTest enclosures
- Booster and Main Injector personnel conducted phase-lock studies
- FTBF experiment T979 completed taking data
- Linac personnel brought the H- Source online
Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Latest Announcements

Weekend SharePoint outage beginning Feb. 24

NALWO Luncheon - Mar. 8

Tax software for foreign visitors - today

Lunchtime concert - today

Outlook 2010: Intro. - Feb. 22

Embedded Design with LabVIEW FPGA and CompactRIO class scheduled - Feb. 23

Introduction to LabVIEW scheduled - Feb. 23

SciTech preschool open house -
Feb. 25

PowerPoint 2010: Intro. - Feb. 28

No on-site prescription safety eyewear - Feb. 29

URA Visiting Scholars Program deadline - Feb. 29

Free ACU demo "Understanding Credit Reports" - Mar. 1

The University of Chicago Tuition Remission Program deadline -
March 2

Gallery Series present Arianna String Quartet - Mar. 4

Word 2010: Intro Mar. 6

Excel 2010: Intro. - Mar. 8

Fermilab Arts Series presents Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul - Mar. 10

Access 2010: Intro. - Mar. 14

FRA scholarship applications due Apr. 1

Python Programming class - April 16-18

Martial arts classes

Fermilab Management Practices courses are now available for registration

"5 Treasures" Qigong for stress relief

NALWO - Volunteers needed for English conversation

Requests for on-site housing for summer

International folk dancing Thursday evenings in Kuhn Barn

Scottish country dancing Tuesday evenings in Kuhn Village Barn

Open badminton at the gym

Winter basketball league

Indoor soccer

Atrium construction updates

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