- FSPA welcomes new officers
- From the Center for Particle Astrophysics: Rocky III
- Photo of the Day: Superstorm effects over Fermilab
- University Profile: Florida Institute of Technology
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, Oct. 30
- From the Chicago Sun-Times, Oct. 25, 2012: 'QED' a tour de force for Rob Riley
- Special Announcement: Dark Energy Camera all-hands celebration - today
- Director's Corner: Staff meetings
- Special Announcement: Fermilab director search committee members named
- Construction Update: New cleanroom at CMTF
- From symmetry: Plasma accelerators: high quality, even by the slice
- Milestone: New employees - October
- From Physics World, Oct. 25, 2012: Physicists entangle 100,000 photons
- Dark matter seekers get help from the DarkSide
- Tip of the Week: Quality Assurance: Engineering quality at Fermilab
- From WDRS: Enrollment for 2013 benefits
- Photo of the Day: Snapping turtle acceleration not so snappy
- From New Scientist, Oct. 24, 2012: Orphaned stars linger in dark matter haloes
- Special Announcement: State-of-the-laboratory meetings - today
- CMS Result: Gravity and the Standard Model
- Milestone: After 42 years, Bruce Chrisman bids farewell to Fermilab
- Photo of the Day: Goldenrod in black and white
- Special Announcement: Cafeteria increases prices, closes on Saturdays
- Special Announcement: Kautz Road Substation power outage - Oct. 29
- From Nature, Oct. 24, 2012: Why symmetry matters
- Special Announcement: Physics for Everyone - today in Ramsey Auditorium
- Result of the Week: Two distinct heavy quarks living together
- Special Announcement: State-of-the-laboratory meeting for scientists - today
- From symmetry: SLAC gets a new director
- In Brief: Find information faster with Fermilab's new Test Beam Facility website
- From New Scientist, Oct. 23, 2012: Recycled photons set fresh quantum computing record
- Special Announcement: Dark Energy Camera all-hands celebration - Oct. 30
- From the CMS Center: Upgrades to the CMS detector
- From symmetry: Explain it in 60 seconds: gravitational waves
- Photo of the Day: Egret goes fishing
- In Brief: "Playing with Time" - Nov. 7
- From WDRS: Enrollment for 2013 benefits
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, Oct. 23
- University Profile: Rockefeller University
- From The New York Times, Oct. 23, 2012: Federal budget limits affect scientific conferences
- From Berkeley Lab News Center, Oct. 22, 2012: State-of-the-art beams from table-top accelerators
- Special Announcement: Farewell symposium for Bruce Chrisman - Oct. 26
- Director's Corner: PAC and new ideas
- A shocking good time
- Construction Update: NOvA Near-Detector Cavern excavation continues
- From The Hindu, Oct. 17, 2012: INO to study atmospheric neutrinos
- From NBC News, Oct. 17, 2012: Astronomers take first 3-D look at giant strand of dark matter
- Special Announcement: Network outage
- Tip of the Week: Safety: Practice proper hand safety: wear protective gloves
- Profile: One minute with Todd Nebel, PPD mechanical operations specialist
- From WDRS: 403(b) maximum contributions to increase for 2013
- Photo of the Day: DOE and NSF members tour MicroBooNE facilities
- From The Japan Times, Oct. 19, 2012: Cosmic rays eyed to locate nuke fuel melt
- US LHC Users Organization meeting - today and tomorrow
- Physics in a Nutshell: Gravitons
- Photo of the Day: The solitude of Big Woods
- Special Announcement: Master Substation power outages
- From MSU National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Oct. 12, 2012: On the origin of life's most crucial isotope
- From symmetry: Bringing the universe into full focus
- Result of the Week: Counting jets to constrain physics models
- Photos of the Day: Cool as a coyote
- From Argonne National Laboratory, Oct. 15, 2012: Scientists develop affordable way to generate medical isotopes
- From CNRS, Oct. 10, 2012: New type of cosmic ray discovered after 100 years
- Students benefit from Fermilab-Latin American collaboration
- From the Technical Division: Sharp minds at work
- Photo of the Day: A spot of autumn, a hint of winter
- University Profile: Southern Methodist University
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, Oct. 16
- From BBC News, Oct. 15, 2012: Planet with four suns discovered by volunteers
- Press Release: Green thumbs wanted for Fermilab's prairie harvest on Nov. 3
- Director's Corner: 45 years young
- Photo of the Day: AD Mechanical Support Department picnic
- Construction Update: First two NOvA far-detector blocks now in position
- From WDRS: Enrollment for 2013 benefits - Oct. 22 to Nov. 6
- From TechCrunch, Oct. 12, 2012: Angry Birds the particle physics board game: Rovio and CERN collaborate on making learning quantum physics fun
- From FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, Oct. 12, 2012: New threat to American competiveness discussed at Senate hearing
- Enforcing fire safety awareness with a hint of fun
- Tip of the Week: Health: Preventing infection by bloodborne pathogens
- Photo of the Day: Congressman Hultgren receives Champion of Science Award from Science Coalition
- From WDRS: Health and Wellness Fair - tomorrow on 15th floor
- Special Announcement: Upcoming power outages
- From AAAS Science & Policy, Sept. 27, 2012: A look at sequestration: potential cuts to federal R&D in the first five years
- From symmetry: Time projection chambers: a milestone in particle detector technology
- CMS Result: Hunting for the platypus particle
- From SLAC News Center: LCLS-II Project Director John Galayda to receive Wilson Prize
- Photo of the Day: Bird of an unrufflable feather
- From New Scientist, Oct. 4, 2012: Photon reaches from beyond the grave in quantum trick
- Electronics in extra dimension: 3D integrated chip for high-energy physics
- Result of the Week: Charm cross section agrees with theory
- In Brief: Physics Advisory Committee meeting - next week
- Photo of the Day: Interior of future Muon Ring
- From Physics, Oct. 8, 2012: New measurements of the most perfect liquid
- From Argonne National Laboratory, Oct. 10, 2012: Advanced Photon Source lights the way to 2012 chemistry Nobel
- From symmetry: Caring for the prairie
- From the Office of Communication: Fermilab Today survey results
- University Profile: University of Oklahoma
- Photo of the Day: Booster sunrise
- In Brief: Fire engine on display - today
- In Brief: Community Planning Meeting - this week
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, Oct. 9
- From Physics, Oct. 4, 2012: In search of sterile neutrinos
- From symmetry: Nobel committee honors research by particle trappers
- Director's Corner: 2012 Community Planning Meeting
- Photo of the Day: Obelisk and orb
- Construction Update: Continuing steel and metal construction at IARC
- From The New York Times, Oct. 9, 2012: French and U.S. scientists win Nobel physics prize
- From The Denver Post, Oct. 7, 2012: Colorado argon will be at the heart of dark matter experiment
- Special Announcement: State-of-the-laboratory meetings - today
- Tip of the Week: Ecology: Rare wildlife in our neighborhood
- From symmetry: Accelerator app: Beehives
- Photo of the Day: Fall into the woods
- In Brief: Fermilab Student and Postdoc Association replaces former Graduate Student Association
- Special Announcement: Asphalt repairs in Wilson Hall west lot
- Correction: Ask the Ethicist column - political activities
- From Interactions.org, Oct. 5, 2012: The Republic of Cyprus becomes a CERN associate member state
- How spam filtering works at Fermilab
- Physics in a Nutshell: The platypus particle
- Photo of the Day: Pilot study group to complete Certified Administrative Professional course
- In Brief: Intensity Frontier brochure available for pick-up
- Paul Davies discusses extraterrestrial life next week
- From New Scientist, Oct. 3, 2012: Quantum measurements leave Schrödinger's cat alive
- Construction begins on largest liquid-argon time projection chamber in the U.S.
- Result of the Week: A new chapter in the story of B decays
- Ask the Ethicist: Election season
- Video of the Day: The Standard Model
- From symmetry: HEP open access initiative at crucial juncture
- From IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 1, 2012: The cosmological supercomputer
- From SLAC News Center: Panofsky Prize honors researchers' underground hunt for dark matter
- From the Business Services Section: National Fire Prevention Week begins Oct. 7
- Photo of the Day: You saw me standing alone
- University Profile: Northeastern University
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, Oct. 2
- From Physics World, Oct. 1, 2012: Dark-matter alternative tackles elliptical galaxies
- One minute with Brad Tennis, Accelerator Division mechanical technician
- Director's Corner: On vacation
- Photos of the Day: Monday morning sunrise
- Construction Update: Constructing walls of three attached structures for LArTF cylinder
- In Brief: Changes to janitorial service in effect
- Correction: Director's volunteer award nomination deadline and reception date
- From FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, Sept. 28, 2012: President signs bill extending federal funding for six months
- Employees paint a more colorful Fermilab with gardening tools
- Tip of the Week: Quality Assurance: Lessons learned
- Photos of the Day: Computing Division annual picnic at Kuhn Barn
- In Brief: Nominations now accepted for director's volunteer award
- From ILC NewsLine: An ILC Higgs factory—is it enough?
- From Science, Sept. 27, 2012: A spinning black hole at a galaxy's center