- Straight from the farm: Fermilab's agriculture program
- Result of the Week: Watching the strong force run
- Special Announcement: Walking tour of transitional habitat - today
- Photo of the Day: Employees graduate from Walk 2 Run program
- From The Washington Post, May 30, 2012: New underground lab turns S. Dakota gold town into scientific hub in search for 'dark matter'
- Ristori to take over as CDF co-spokesperson
- From the Particle Physics Division: DECam team celebrates completion of project
- University Profile: State University of New York at Buffalo
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, May 29
- From Nature, May 23, 2012: Particle physics: A reminder of the beauty we know
- Brendan Casey receives DOE award for muon research
- Director's Corner: Join the Tevatron celebration
- Photo of the Day: Busy bees have a picnic
- Special Announcement: Garden plots available at Fermilab
- From Sanford Underground Research Facility's Deep thoughts, May 22, 2012: Yates running, dedication coming
- Wellness Feature of the Month: June wellness offerings, fitness classes and employee discounts
- CMS Result: Searching for the next generation
- What is the meaning of SaaS?
- From Nature, May 23, 2012: Gran Sasso: Chamber of physics
- 45th Users' Meeting highlights results, looks to the future
- Result of the Week: W-spin measured in a low-background environment
- Special Announcement: Undergraduate Lecture Series begins next Tuesday
- Special Announcement: Ecology bus tour - June 1
- From Nature, May 23, 2012: Like attracts like?
- From ars technica, May 21, 2012: Disentangling the wave-particle duality in the double-slit experiment
- Proton Improvement Plan for accelerator reliability
- From the DOE Fermi Site Office: Fermi Site Office update
- University Profile: University of Houston
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, May 22
- In Brief: After-hours shuttle trial extended through June
- From Fermi Natural Areas News, May/June 2012: Our unusual prescribed burn season
- Driving the magnet revolution for future accelerators
- Director's Corner: SNOLAB inauguration
- Milestone: Lederman presented with lightsaber at colloquium
- In Brief: New lecture series and site tours for Fermilab employees
- From The New York Times, May 22, 2012: American physics dreams deferred
- A new chief operating officer for Fermilab
- ES&H Tip of the Week: Computer Security: The computer security team and you
- In Brief: FRA scholarships awarded
- Photo of the Day: Walking and rolling around the ring
- From The Beacon News, May 16, 2012: IMSA founder, Nobel winner honored before retirement
- Newly completed cryomodule transported to NML
- Physics in a Nutshell: It's a colorful world...
- From The Beacon News, May 16, 2012: Fermi: Tritium levels in water not an issue
- From Berkeley Lab News Center, May 16, 2012: MAJORANA, the search for the most elusive neutrino of all
- From symmetry breaking: Scientists celebrate completion of underground physics laboratory
- Result of the Week: Higgs search leaves no stone unturned
- Roland Kulla's work on display in Fermilab Art Gallery
- In Brief: Strategic Collaborative Initiative: call for proposals
- From symmetry breaking, May 16, 2012: Thursday: Chat with physicists on Twitter
- Special Announcement: Physics for Everyone - today
- From WDRS: Reviewing a year of service
- University Profile: University of Illinois at Chicago
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, May 15
- From Interactions.org, May 15, 2012: Research on neutrinos allows the discovery of vortices in the abysses of the eastern Mediterranean
- From Wired, May 15, 2012: Chinese physicists smash quantum teleportation record
- From the DOE Website: Lab Breakthrough: Fermilab Accelerator Technology
- Director's Corner: Kudos to our award winners
- Special Announcement: Fermilab central websites and AFS outage - May 17
- From Technology Review blog, May 14, 2012: Antimatter propulsion engine redesigned using CERN's particle physics simulation toolkit
- Special Announcement: Tevatron Symposium - June 11
- ES&H Tip of the Week: Health: MRSA: scary news item is controllable with prevention
- Special Announcement: Physics for Everyone - May 16
- Recycling helium and argon for future experiments
- In Brief: 11th Argonne-Uchicago-Fermilab collaboration meeting
- From Berkeley Lab News Center, May 8, 2012: A new accelerator to study steps on the path to fusion
- Milestone: Four Fermilab-affiliated researchers receive prestigious DOE awards
- CMS Result: The consistency of quark soup
- Special Announcement: In recognition of 30 years of laboratory service
- From symmetry: Explain it in 60 seconds: The muon
- From SLAC Today, May 9, 2012: Physicists, start your searches: INSPIRE database now online
- New Fermilab Today editor
- Result of the Week: Tools of the trade for Higgs boson searches
- Milestone: Retirement: Shirley Culhane
- Photo of the Day: Operator Marty Murphy serves as guest chef at Chez Leon
- From The Chicago Tribune, May 9, 2012: Department of Energy funds to help start medical isotope plant in Janesville
- From New Scientist Blog, May 9, 2012: Supernovae can be casual sippers or violent rippers
- Special Announcement: Vacuum exhibition - May 10
- From the ES&H section: Why horrible things can happen to good people
- In Brief: MeetingMaker to be replaced by laboratory-wide calendar
- University Profile: Florida State University
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, May 8
- From space.com, May 7, 2012: Earth-like alien planets unlikely around stars with 'hot Jupiters'
- From Nature News, May 8, 2012: A boost for quantum reality
- Special Announcement: SSVSP information sessions - May 9 and May 16
- Director's Corner: Attention to safety
- From symmetry: Particle physics and your ride
- Special Announcement: Public tours of MINOS Underground Areas suspended starting May 14
- Photo of the Day: Argiculture at Fermilab
- In Brief: New and improved stock catalog moved to ServiceNow
- From SaaS in the Enterprise, May 4, 2012: Fermilab explores SaaS
- From symmetry: One degree of separation: The Vietnam connection
- ES&H Tip of the Week: Ecology: The ecological value of Fermilab's wetlands
- In Brief: A simple way to save money
- From Nature, May 4, 2012: LHC prepares for data pile-up
- Special Director's Corner: Workforce reduction
- Physics in a Nutshell: Quarks and gluons and partons, oh my…
- Scientists present revised plans for Project X
- Death: In memoriam: Bob Thomas
- From Nature, May 2, 2012: Black holes: Star ripped to shreds
- Video of the Day: Video of NOvA dedication at Ash River available online
- Result of the Week: Do top quarks consult the constellations?
- Muon g-2 off to a running start
- From Nature, May 2, 2012: Neutrino project changes focus
- From PhysicsToday.org, May 1, 2012: Insights from the classical atom
- From symmetry magazine: symmetry available online
- From the Core Computing Division: Managed-services contract
- University Profile: Rutgers University
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, May 1
- From ScienceDaily, April 30, 2012: Remarkable outburst seen from old black hole
- From New Scientist, May 1, 2012: LHC gets first glimpse of excited baryon
- IARC construction contract awarded for main building
- Director's Corner: Inauguration of the NOvA facility in Ash River, Minn.
- Photo of the Day: Liquid Argon Test Facility construction progresses
- Save the Date: DASTOW 2012 - June 20
- Accelerator Update: April 27-30
- From msnbc.com, April 28, 2012: Super-collider team discovers new subatomic particle
- From LiveScience.com, April 30, 2012: Quantum entanglement can reach into the past