- Vellidis takes over as new CDF co-spokesperson
- Director's Corner: Update on SRF and NML
- Construction Update: Putting together blocks for the NOvA far detector
- In Brief: Tevatron publishes evidence for Higgs boson
- Photo of the Day: Indian government minister visits Fermilab
- From The Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2012: Physicists mine cosmic answers deep underground
- Layering detection: CMS gets an upgrade
- Tip of the Week: Health: The need for transparency in medical studies
- Milestone: New employees - July
- Photo of the Day: Early morning rays
- In Brief: Call for applications: URA Visiting Scholars Program
- From ars technica, July 26, 2012: Creating Higgs-like excitations using ultracold atoms
- Fermilab Deputy Director Kim judges Google Science Fair
- Physics in a Nutshell: Collision? Interaction? Event? What's that all about?
- Special Announcement: Ask-a-Scientist lecture on the Higgs boson - July 29
- From BBC News, July 25, 2012: Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer claims huge cosmic ray haul
- Wellness Feature of the Month: August wellness offerings, fitness classes, employee clubs and discounts
- Result of the Week: The best of the best in Higgs bosons to b quarks
- ES&H Update: Accelerate to a Healthy Lifestyle program
- From physicsworld.com, July 25, 2012: Going where the beam is good
- From Nature, July 24, 2012: Cuts loom for US science
- New cable pulling method saves time and money
- From the Center for Particle Astrophysics: What fills space?
- University Profile: Northwestern University
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, July 24
- From World Radio Switzerland, July 24, 2012: Cernettes sing about their men stuck on night shifts at CERN
- From NIU Today, July 24, 2012: 'Summer Under the Stars' continues July 25
- From symmetry breaking: Precious cargo: Dark matter experiment set to move underground
- Director's Corner: Zero defects
- Construction Update: Conduits in the NOvA near-detector hall
- Photos of the Day: Purple, rain
- From Argonne National Laboratory, July 23, 2012: Two Argonne physicists win Presidential Early Career Awards
- From physics buzz blog, July 18, 2012: Who is Enrico Fermi?
- High-school physics teachers become scientists for a week at QuarkNet Boot Camp
- Tip of the Week: Ecology: Dead tree ecology
- Photo of the Day: U.S. Senate staffers visit Fermilab
- From phys.org, July 19, 2012: Learning to build a cosmic ray detector
- From Public Service Review: European Science and Technology, July 12, 2012: Accelerating collaboration
- DOE gives Fermilab's Mu2e experiment CD1 approval
- CMS Result: Would the real Higgs boson please stand up?
- Photo of the Day: Real collaboration, virtual ring
- Special Announcement: Controls, power, and cooling outages - July 20-23
- From the Santa Barbara Independent, July 19, 2012: How to Higgs boson: Q&A with UCSB Professor Joe Incandela
- From symmetry breaking: Decision time: Vote for your favorite Higgs
- Result of the Week: Puzzling new pieces in the antimatter mystery
- "Rugged Elegance" art exhibit merges the earthy with the industrial
- Special Announcement: Controls, power, and cooling outages - July 20-23
- From Nature, July 18, 2012: Theorists feast on Higgs data
- From symmetry: An energetic life: from physics to efficiency
- From the CMS Center: Thank you
- University Profile: University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, July 17
- From Caltech Media Relations, July 12, 2012: Peering into the heart of a supernova
- From symmetry breaking: DOE facilities receive praise from Republicans and Democrats alike
- Director's Corner: ICFA and ILCSC in Melbourne
- In Brief: New award honors late Fermilab physicist
- Construction Update: Constructing caissons at IARC
- From the Chicago Tribune, July 14, 2012: Finding God, the particle
- From the Kane County Chronicle, July 14, 2012: Visitors discover Fermilab's green spaces
- Students help MicroBooNE clean up for its big debut
- ES&H Tip of the Week: Safety: Construction season safety - drive carefully and watch out for those yellowjackets
- Video of the Day: Vote in TED2013 talent search
- From The New York Times, July 14, 2012: Why the Higgs boson matters
- From The Christian Science Monitor, July 11, 2012: New European space telescope to sniff out dark matter
- From symmetry breaking: Google Science Fair winner visits CERN during Higgs week
- Physics in a Nutshell: Coping with high luminosity
- Milestone: Carlos Hojvat retires after 35 years
- Photo of the Day: Quadrat study volunteers inspect plots of the prairie
- From Nature, July 11, 2012: Neutrino physics: Beta test
- From FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, July 12, 2012: DOE user facilities praised at House Science Committee hearing
- From symmetry breaking: Physicist by day, soul man by night
- Result of the Week: The Higgs boson: "Two b" or not "two b"
- Milestone: John Urish retires after 40 years at Fermilab
- From The New York Times, July 9, 2012: A blip that speaks of our place in the universe
- From the Sanford Underground Research Facility's Deep Thoughts, July 9, 2012: LUX underground this week
- Milestone: Assistant Director Jeffrey Appel retires this week
- From the Technical Division: A new generation of magnets for accelerators, MRIs
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, July 10
- Special Announcement: Fermilab Natural Areas hosts Discovery Day on Saturday
- University Profile: Boston University
- From the Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2012: Dark matter filament found, scientists say
- Milestone: Business Services Section Head Dave Carlson set to retire after 34 years
- Director's Corner: A path forward for LBNE
- From symmetry breaking: Higgs in perspective; looking back to 1964
- Construction Update: LArTF concrete cylinder nears completion
- From Kane County Chronicle, July 7, 2012: Fox Valley Rep's Collider Project offers stage to science-themed plays
- From The Huffington Post, July 4, 2012: Stephen Hawking and Higgs boson bet in spotlight as physicists hail CERN particle discovery
- From symmetry: Beyond "to be or not to be"
- Tip of the Week: Cybersecurity: Come to the dark side, we have cookies
- Milestone: Peter Cooper retires Friday
- Video of the Day: What does 5 sigma mean?
- In Brief: New Fermilab COO Jack Anderson starts today
- In Brief: Performance review processes to be completed in July
- Special Announcement: Video of July 4 CERN Higgs seminar and July 5 Fermilab all-hands meeting online
- From The Beacon-News, July 7, 2012: Fermilab's Tevatron laid groundwork in search for 'God particle'
- Staying up late for the Higgs
- CMS Result: Have we found the Higgs?
- Milestone: Al Flowers retires next week
- In Brief: Scientists invited to send feedback on LBNE reconfiguration
- Photoshop of the Day: Photoshop contest: Where have you seen the Higgs?
- Special Announcement: Special colloquium and seminars next week
- Special Announcement: Higgs background flyer available online
- From ScienceNews, July 4, 2012: Essay: Nature's secrets foretold
- Special Announcement: Higgs all-hands meeting - today at 9 a.m. in Ramsey Auditorium
- Special Director's Corner: A great discovery
- Photos of the Day: Higgs-like excitement on July 4
- Introducing Deb Sebastian, new internal communication specialist
- Result of the Week: The Tevatron and the Higgs boson
- Safety Update: ES&H weekly report, July 2
- From ScienceNews, July 4, 2012: Higgs found
- From The New York Times, July 4, 2012: A new particle could be physics' holy grail
- From Voice of America, July 4, 2012: Higgs boson finding excites Fermilab scientists
Special edition - Search for Higgs boson at Large Hadron Collider reveals new particle
- Higgs all-hands meeting on Thursday, July 5, at 9 a.m., CERN scientific presentations, Wednesday, July 4, at 2 a.m.
- Director's Corner: Great expectations
- Scientists and playwrights collaborate on Collider 2012
- Milestone: Gary Sliwicki retires after over 35 years of service to Fermilab
- From symmetry magazine: symmetry available online
- Construction Update: Five parking spaces available near Minos Surface Building
- Correction: Friday's Joint Experimental-Theoretical Seminar
- From The New York Times, July 2, 2012: Physicists inch closer to proof of elusive particle
- From LiveScience, July 2, 2012: Physicists get closer than ever to Higgs particle
- Special Announcement: Tevatron scientific talks - today
- Tip of the Week: Safety: Be safe this Independence Day
- Press Release: Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle
- "Creation's Birthday" brings Edwin Hubble's contentious life to the Fermilab stage
- Photos of the Day: It was time for stormy weather
- From the Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2012: Milky Way still recovering from mysterious impact, scientists say