Various updates
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone
I realize that the self-select voluntary separation program is on everyone’s mind, but it is too early to say very much. We have received 62 applications for the program, but employees have until Thursday to rescind.
The summer continues to be very busy. A great deal of energy and excitement is in the air with the approaching major summer conferences. The first one is the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics EPS-HEP-2011, July 21-27, where we will see for the first time results from the LHC with more than 20 times the luminosity of the previous year. There will also be new results from the Tevatron and many other programs. This conference will be followed in short order by the meeting of the Division of Particle and Fields of the American Physical Society in Providence, RI, Aug.9-13, which will include a plenary session on celebrating the Tevatron and include a forum on Project X. At the end of August, the Lepton Photon Conference will take place in Mumbai, India.
On July 6, we held the annual meeting on the US/Japan Agreement on Particle Physics in Chicago. Thanks to this agreement we have built a very strong collaboration between the Japanese and U.S. communities during the last three and a half decades. Through the agreement and the corresponding collaboration with Japanese institutions we have received remarkable contributions to the Tevatron program. After the Tevatron shutdown, experiments onneutrinos and the rare decay of muons and kaons are central to both communities so we expect an equally strong collaboration in the future.
One major new activity is our preparation for the review of our Contract Assurance System or CAS. Following two internal reviews that indicated we needed to step up the pace, we have formed a task force chaired by Bob Kephart to get us ready for a DOE peer review at the end of August. Over the next few weeks you will be learning more about CAS and the benefits that it should bring to the lab.