Fermilab Today Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010

Have a safe day!

Tuesday, Oct. 5
10:30 a.m.
Research Techniques Seminar - Hornet's Nest WH-8NX
Speaker: Ping Gui, Southern Methodist University
Title: Gigabits Optical Data Links in CMOS Technology
3:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 6
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Physics for Everyone lecture - Ramsey Auditorium
Speaker: Herman White
Title: Fermilab: How we got here and where we're going
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: Satish V. Kulkarni, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, India
Title: US - India Partnership in Science and Technology, Environment and Health: Opportunities and Challenges

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Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Tuesday, Oct. 5
- Breakfast: Bagel sandwich
- Italian sausage w/peppers & onions
- Beef stroganoff
- Chicken lemon
- Peppered beef
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Chicken tostadas

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Oct. 6
- Herb-roasted cornish hen
- Sage & onion stuffing
- Steamed broccoli
- Pumpkin cheesecake

Thursday, Oct. 7

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Seeking service award suggestions

Juanita Frazier

Juanita Frazier, Employee Relations Manager, wrote this column

The service award program is designed to recognize and reward employees for their dedicated service to the laboratory. The service milestones of 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service are currently honored by both a service award gift and a celebratory luncheon.

We are considering making changes to the current service award program. While we recognize a range of years of service, we're considering adding additional anniversaries, such as five and 45 years. We're also considering adding an additional gift: rings for both men and women bearing the laboratory's logo.

An additional change we're thinking about is temporarily moving the celebratory luncheon from Chez Leon to an off site banquet facility. If you have celebrated a service anniversary since 2007, you know that the luncheon portion of the recognition program is behind schedule. The luncheons were suspended during the third quarter of 2007 in response to the budgetary crisis that resulted in furloughs. Fermilab resumed the luncheons in February 2009, and we have been diligently trying to get back on track. While we began two years behind schedule, we are now only five months behind.

Moving the luncheons off site would eliminate some of the scheduling problems and would allow us to accommodate larger groups - two things that have hindered us from having more timely luncheons.

We would really appreciate your input on these issues and ideas. Please take our survey to give us your thoughts on these ideas and provide us with any other suggestions for gift ideas or on how we may provide timely luncheons going forward. When thinking of possible gift ideas, keep in mind that our gifts currently average $100.

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their dedicated service is very important to us. Please help us to improve this program.

In the News

Nobel prize for physics goes to Manchester University scientists

From The Guardian, Oct. 5, 2010

Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov used a block of carbon and some Scotch tape to create graphene, a new material with extraordinary properties

Two scientists at Manchester University have won the 2010 Nobel prize for physics for creating the thinnest possible flakes of carbon.

The news that Andre Geim, 51, and Konstantin Novoselov, 36, had received the 10m Swedish-kronor (£1m) prize was announced today by the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Novoselov is the youngest Nobel laureate since 1973.

Geim and Novoselov were both born in Russia and collaborated as Ph.D. supervisor and student in the Netherlands before moving to Manchester University, one of Britain's top physics institutes.

Read more

Special Announcement

Physics for Everyone lecture begins 12:30 p.m. Wednesday

"Physics for Everyone" is a non-technical lecture series about Fermilab science and culture. The first lecture will take place from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 6, in Ramsey Auditorium.

Scientist Herman White will discuss the laboratory's past and present and take a look at some of the areas Fermilab will focus on in the future. There will be time for questions and answers. Please come to learn about the laboratory and its many aspects.

Photo of the Day

Just behind the clouds

CD's Matt Crawford submitted this image of the sun and clouds taken on the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 28, from the west parking lot of Wilson Hall.
Special Announcement

EAP offers free depression screenings Wednesday

Have you ever wondered if you have the blues or if it is clinical depression? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 9.5 percent of adults experience clinical depression each year. On Wednesday, October 6, Fermilab's Employee Assistance Program, in conjunction with National Depression Screening Day, will offer free depression screenings to all interested employees and/or their adult family members. Screenings will take place from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Employees can make appointments by calling x3591 or e-mailing EAP counselor Ginny Stack.

Director's Corner


Fermilab Director Pier Oddone

We have started the new fiscal year. As is often the case, Congress has not passed the Energy and Water appropriations bill, so we are in a continuing resolution (CR) with spending that is fixed at last year's level and contains no funds for new starts. Because both LBNE and Mu2e were successful last year in obtaining CD-0, they are now considered "new starts" in FY11, and their planned funding will not be available until Congress passes the FY11 Energy and Water appropriation bill. Because the CR was expected, the projects have made provisions to continue in R&D mode for the first part of the year and have the necessary resources to bridge the gap, provided the gap is not too long.

A CR is always uncomfortable; especially in a situation such as the one we have this year, with elections that could significantly change the composition of Congress and the outcome of the appropriations bills. No pundit can predict with certainty when we might have a federal budget. Because none of the appropriations bills passed, the expectation is that at some point, either in a lame-duck session after the election, or after the new Congress is sworn in, appropriations bills will be aggregated into an omnibus bill and passed. Or, as has happened before, Congress could freeze spending at the FY10 level for the remainder of the year.

Is there any good news here? No, but there are several thoughts that might give us comfort. The first has to do with the range of budget numbers we know. The President's proposed budget for high energy physics for FY11 was 2.5 percent higher than in FY10. The Energy and Water subcommittee of the Senate appropriations committee marked up the bill and shaved the proposed increase to 1.5 percent. The corresponding House committee also marked up the bill but has kept the results under wraps. So the numbers we know range from 0 percent for a CR to 2.5 percent for the President's budget--not a huge range. Of course, these numbers don't address the "no new starts" issue, on the assumption that somehow that issue would be fixed.

The second thought is that everyone in the chain of decisions is trying to do the right thing. The individuals in the Office of High Energy Physics, the Office of Science, the top management of DOE, the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the staff of the congressional committees are all trying to do the best for the country and its science enterprise under difficult circumstances. We are in contact with all these folks and keep them informed about the achievements, value and needs of Fermilab. If we end up in a year-long CR, I have no doubt that they will do their best to help remove obstacles and maintain vigorous progress in all our programs.

Accelerator Update

Oct. 1-4

- Five stores provided ~64.5 hours of luminosity
- Access for MI and Booster work
- Store 8137 aborted due to CAMAC crate problem
- MI VCB caused problems

*The integrated luminosity for the period from 9/27/10 to 10/4/10 was 62.73 inverse picobarns. NuMI reported receiving no protons on target during this same period due to target work.

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Latest Announcements

Indian Creek road closed at 7 a.m. October 6

Physics for Everyone lecture series begins Oct. 6 in Auditorium

Fermilab Lecture Series presents The Long Thaw: How humans are changing the next 100,000 Years of the Earth's climate - Oct. 22

Fermilab Arts Series presents Suzanne Vega Oct. 9

Accelerate to a Healthy Lifestyle Program

Fright Fest discount tickets at Six Flags

Mental Health Seminar, Part I - today

Scrappers Scrapbooking Open House

Autism Awareness Seminar - Oct. 6

Toastmasters - Oct. 7

School's Out Day Camp

Fibromyalgia awareness seminar - Oct. 11

Mental Health Awareness Part II - Oct. 12

Down Syndrome Awareness Seminar - Oct. 13

Access 2007: Intro class offered Oct. 13

NALWO Children's Playgroup Halloween Party

Word 2007: New Features class offered Oct. 20

Excel 2007: New Features class offered Oct. 20

Regal Movie Theater discount tickets available

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