Fermilab Today Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Have a safe day!

Tuesday, March 9
1 p.m.
Special Lecture - Ramsey Auditorium
Title: Gender, Race and Science Education
Speaker: Sandra Hanson, The Catholic Universities of America
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: Mohammed Al Sharo'a, Muons, Inc.
Title: Analysis of the Transient Natural Convection Driven By Energy Deposition Inside High-Pressure RF Cavities


Wednesday, March 10
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: John Peoples, Fermilab
Title: The TeVatron Collider: A Thirty-Year Campaign

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H1N1 Flu

For information about H1N1, visit Fermilab's flu information site.



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Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Tuesday, March 9
- Breakfast: bagel sandwich
- Golden broccoli soup
- Southern style-fish sandwich
- Coconut crusted tilapia
- Burgundy beef tips
- La Grande sandwich
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Chicken fajitas

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, March 10
- Vegetarian meal
- Tex-Mex peppers
- Latin fried rice
- Vanilla flan w/ mango sauce

Thursday, March 11

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Special Announcement

Computing update

Some employees and users had trouble connecting to the Fermilab network Monday. Networking experts from the Computing Division investigated the issue and found three causes for the problem:

  • The addition of about 100 participants in the Open Science Grid conference put stress on the server that performs temporary registrations and assigns network addresses to computers connecting to the Fermilab network. These steps allow a visitor to enter information about a computer and receive temporary permission to connect to the network at Fermilab. The additional load caused the server to fail, so CD engaged the backup server to restore service.
  • The name servers, which translate user-friendly names for Web sites such as www.fnal.gov into numeric network addresses that a computer can read, temporarily failed during a scheduled reload.
  • One of the wireless network controllers failed, causing about one-fourth of the wireless access points across the laboratory to also fail. Experts removed the malfunctioning controller from service and wireless access was restored.

CD employees continue to investigate these issues. They are not related to the outages that occurred last month.

-- Mark Kaletka, associate head of Computing Division

In Brief

Gender, race and science education talk here today

In recognition of Women's History Month, Fermilab's Diversity Office will sponsor a talk about the continued shortage of women in science from 1-2:30 p.m. today in Ramsey Auditorium.

The talk is free and open to the public.

In her presentation, titled "Gender, Race and Science Education," Sandra Hanson, professor of sociology at the Catholic Universities of America, will focus on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and the many factors that continue to create barriers for girls in these areas.

The hour-long presentation will conclude with a Question & Answer session and book signing.

Read more

Photos of the Day

Fermilab celebrates International Women's Day

Members of the press received a tour of the MINOS near detector hall Monday from MINERvA co-spokesperson Debbie Harris and other women scientists at the Intensity Frontier. The tour was part of Fermilab's International Women's Day celebration.

Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim joined Director Pier Oddone Monday to speak with CERN Director General Rolf Heuer, Coordinator for External Relations Felicitas Pauss, CMS spokesperson Guido Tonelli and ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti about their laboratories' respective International Women's Day events. Oddone and Kim connected to CERN through a video conference in Fermilab's LHC Remote Operations Center.

Special Announcement

Public lecture opportunity: The LHC - At Discovery's Horizon

The LHC lecture series Web site has many resources for lecturers.

Following the success of last year's Angels & Demons lecture series, the U.S. ATLAS and U.S. CMS collaborations are launching another public lecture series about the LHC. Timed to coincide with the start of the LHC's first physics run, this next lecture series will take audiences on a virtual tour of the accelerators and its detectors, explain first results and share the excitement of the anticipated discoveries that lie ahead. While each institution will be responsible for the local logistics of planning the public lecture, the LHC lecture series Web site provides a number of resources to help, including a template poster, PowerPoint presentation and a selection of videos and images. If you would like to host a lecture, please contact lizzie@fnal.gov at Fermilab or katie@fnal.gov at CERN.

In the News

Come feel the noise

From Discovery News, March 6, 2010

The physics blogosphere is buzzing about a new paper by cosmologist Craig Hogan -- the subject of a long feature by Ron Cowen in Science News -- proposing that our universe is a hologram, made up of pixels of spacetime. The so-called holographic principle has been around since the 1990s: it basically holds that the 2D surface area enclosing a 3D volume of spacetime pretty much encodes all the information contained within that volume -- just like a standard hologram.

Read more

Director's Corner

International Women's Day

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone spoke via videoconference Monday to representatives from CERN, including CERN Director General Rolf Heuer, regarding their laboratories' International Women's Day celebrations.

Yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a world-wide celebration of equal rights for women that we observed officially at Fermilab, as far as I am aware, for the first time this year. The origins of IWD go to the beginning of the 20th century when the treatment of women nearly everywhere showed great inequality and injustice. It was then only a few years after New Zealand in 1893 had become the first country to allow all women to vote, and it was nearly a decade before the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution establishing universal suffrage in our country.

International Women's Day is not without controversy. In some environments, especially in developed countries, some see a special day to celebrate women as anachronistic: if women are treated equally, why do we need a special day? If we look at the world as a whole, however, there are powerful reasons both for celebrating how far we have come in establishing equality and justice in the workplace and showing our solidarity with the struggle of women in parts of the world where such equality and justice are still remote.

We are fortunate at Fermilab to have a culture where capabilities determine achievements and recognition in the workplace without regard to ethnicity, religion, age and gender. At the same time, there are disciplines, especially in technical areas, where the number of women is only a small fraction of the workforce. This is not universal in every culture nor built into the genes. It is something that we can surely change by making careers in science and technology visible and welcoming to all.

One of the ways Fermilab marked IWD was by linking the control rooms of the accelerator and experiments at the LHC with our own Remote Operations Center, with the presence of directors, deputy directors, spokespersons and women (and men) on shift. Large collaborations such as CMS have more than 500 women scientists and many more women that contribute through the myriad functions that make such an enterprise possible. It was great to have an opportunity to celebrate with them. The men of our own LHC Physics Center had the brilliant idea to contribute to the celebration by serving breakfast for all the women on shift!


ES&H Tip clarification

In Monday's ES&H tip, we reported incorrectly that employees should contact the Medical Office after missing 24 hours of work. You need to contact the office if you miss more than 24 hours, not 24 hours exactly. You do not need to bring a doctor's note.

Accelerator Update

March 5-8
- Four stores provided ~51.25 hours of luminosity
- BRF4 high-voltage cable repaired
- TeV sector A2 wet engine repaired
- Store 7655 had fourth-highest luminosity with 347E30
- Network switch at C4 replaced

*The integrated luminosity for the period from 3/1/10 to 3/8/10 was 61.86 inverse picobarns. NuMI reported receiving 8.33E18 protons on target during this same period.

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

Special Announcement

Today is an Air Pollution Action Day

The Partners for Clean Air and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency have issued an Air Pollution Action Day notice for Tuesday, March 9. Check www.cleantheair.org for updates and tips on reducing impact.


Latest Announcements

Requesting donations for Fermilab maternity closet

March 31 deadline to enroll young adult dependents

Yoga class begins today

New Bible discussion starting today

DreamWeaver CS3: Intro today or 16

Barnstormers Delta Dart night- March 10

Art Gallery Talk - Virginia Broersma - March 10

Fermilab blood drive $100 gas card winner

Employee discount at Batavia Rosati's

Harlem Globetrotters special ticket price - April 15

Qi Gong, Mindfulness and Tai Chi Easy for Stress Reduction

International Folk Dancing, Thursday evenings at Kuhn Barn

Argentine Tango through March 31, student discount

Hiring summer students for 2010

Calling all softball players

Interpersonal Communication Skills offered March 16

Word 2007 Advanced class - March 16

Facilitating Meetings That Work course - March 17

Influence and Motivation: The Empowering Leader course - March 24

PowerPoint 2007 Advanced course - March 25

Excel Programming with VBA class - March 30 and April 1

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