Friday, April 30
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- Photos of the Day: DESY Director General Helmut Dosch tours Fermilab
- Recovery Act: Blasting at NOvA complete
- From symmetry breaking: April 2010 issue of symmetry now online
- Special Announcement: Consolidating assessments
- From CD Tracks, April 2010: Fermilab effort results in new International Standard
- From Nature News, April 28, 2010: Hasty switch for space magnet
Thursday, April 29
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- Young-Kee Kim to get distinguished scholar award
- From the Business Services Section: A greener fleet
- Result of the Week: Very clean collisions
- University Profile: Brown University
- From iSGTW, April 28, 2010: Q&A: Peer-reviewed physics, at the speed of light
Wednesday, April 28
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- Neutrino factory could be right prescription to see theta13
- From the Business Services Section: A greener fleet
- Fermilab to host annual Farmers' Picnic Saturday
- Password Doctor booth available today
- From, April 27, 2010: Evidence grows for tetraquarks
Tuesday, April 27
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- Ed Temple retires
- Director's Corner: Balance II
- Additional guidance for visa waiver travelers
- From New Scientist's The S Word, April 27, 2010: Will the next government fix UK physics?
Monday, April 26
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- Irina Kubantseva retires
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Environment: Keep ticks at bay with a little preparation
- Photos of the Day: Skilling talks twisters at annual weather seminar
- From Discovery News, April 23, 2010: One step closer to understanding dark energy
Friday, April 23
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- Recreation Feature of the Month: Recreation classes, events and discounts for May
- Recovery Act: New emergency generator arrives at Wilson Hall
- Special Announcement: Studying mysterious neutrinos: lecture tonight
- In Brief: CD celebrates 4 million hour safety milestone
- From ILC NewsLine, April 22, 2010: Superconducting cavities could help reduce nuclear waste radio-toxicity
Thursday, April 22
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- Celebrate Earth Day today at ES&H fair in atrium
- Result of the Week: Not your ordinary lepton
- Toward a sustainable laboratory
- What's happening here? Wilson Hall lighting retrofit project now underway
- Visa holders: how to weather volcanic activity travel delays
- From symmetry breaking, April 20, 2010: Wanna routinely win March Madness? Bet on science
Wednesday, April 21
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- Celebrate Earth Day Thursday at ES&H fair in atrium
- Wilson Hall west road to close today
- Earth week prairie seed planting today
- From Medill Reports, April 20, 2010: Bridging the gap between men and women in science
- ES&H weekly report, April 20
- From Scientific American, April 19, 2010: Novel experiment prepares to join dark energy hunt
Tuesday, April 20
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- Wilson Hall west road to close on Wednesday
- Director's Corner: Balance I
- Visa holders with delayed travel - contact the Visa Office
- Photos of the Day: Sandhill crane visits Fermilab
- Earth Day Fair Thursday provides treats, transportation
- From New York Times, April 19, 2010: Sean Carroll talks school science and time travel
Monday, April 19
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- Register now for the annual Users' Meeting June 2 and 3
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Safety: Watch out for each other: speak up for safety
- Tevatron sets new initial luminosity records
- DASTOW 2010 set for Thursday, June 24
- Milestones
- Photos of the Day: Pleasant pheasant
- From, April 16, 2010: Astrophysicists cast doubt on link between excess positrons and dark matter
Friday, April 16
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- Dark matter: Can you hear me now?
- Recovery Act: New beamlines mean business for contractors
- Attend the 2010 Women in Science Symposium Saturday
- Now accepting 2010 Alvin Tollestrup Award nominations
- From Nature News, April 15, 2010: Roman ingots to shield particle detector
Thursday, April 15
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- STEM career expo at Fermilab attracts hundreds of students
- Result of the Week: Gravity and extra dimensions
- Volunteer for National Lab Day with Fermilab
- Now accepting 2010 Alvin Tollestrup Award nominations
- From WBBM Newsradio 780, April 11, 2010: At Issue talks with Fermilab and Argonne directors
- From, April 14, 2010: Giant natural particle accelerator discovered above thunderclouds
Wednesday, April 14
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- Post-doc honored for dissertation work at Fermilab
- From the Accelerator Division: Life in the trenches
- Tevatron sets new record for weekly uptime
- ES&H Section Web page unavailable early Thursday
- Configure your e-mail to ensure security
- From University of Chicago News, April 12, 2010: Scholars, scientists gather to discuss value of ‘the art of science’
Tuesday, April 13
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- Special Result of the Week: MINOS continues the race
- Director's Corner: Creating the right environment
- Tevatron sets new initial luminosity record
- Wonders of Science show this Sunday, April 18
- From New Scientist, April 11, 2010: Wonder lust: Soudan mine
Monday, April 12
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- American companies gain SRF skills
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Health: Tips for a better night’s rest
- EAP offers April Webinars
- From New Scientist's Culture Lab, April 9, 2010: Rappers with a beef – particle physics style
Friday, April 9
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- MINOS to present results today at 4 p.m. in One West
- CMS Result of the Month: Result of the quarter century
- Photo of the Day: Members of Chicago's Swiss community visit Fermilab
- Fermilab announces arrival of new maternity closet
- Photo of the Day: Just stopping by
- From Science Daily, April 7, 2010: Our universe at home within a larger universe? So suggests physicist's wormhole research
Thursday, April 8
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- From symmetry breaking: Just what your iPod needs: a Fermilab rap video
- Result of the Week: Do SUSY and Higgs travel together?
- DOE Press Release: Department of Energy releases open government plan
- From Medill Reports, April 7, 2010: Fermilab in race to find God particle
Wednesday, April 7
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- One software package to fit all
- From WDRS: What we've been up to
- From the University of Chicago, March 2010: Lab leadership takes center stage
- From iSGTW: Campus grids secret to productive grid site
- Service Desk online request system down 6-8 a.m. April 8
- From CERN Courier, March 31, 2010: Particle physics INSPIREs information retrieval
Tuesday, April 6
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- Attend the 2010 Women in Science Symposium April 17
- Director's Corner: National Lab Day
- Sitewide Emergency Warning System test cancelled today
- From the New York Times, April 2, 2010: A primer on the great proton smashup
Monday, April 5
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- Ready to hire? Use the new personnel requisition form
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Safety: It’s tax time; do you know where your PII is?
- Volunteer for National Lab Day with Fermilab
- Fermilab hosts STEM high school career expo April 7
- From Black Hills Pioneer, March 31, 2010: DOE supporting major experiment proposed for DUSEL
Friday, April 2
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- AD & TD collaborate on first cryomodule for new facility
- Tevatron sets new monthly luminosity record
- Milestones
- From Scientific Computing, March 31, 2010: State-of-the-art LHC virtual control rooms allow full participation from US
Thursday, April 1
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- Dmitri Denisov re-elected as DZero co-spokesperson
- Result of the Week: Top quarks live fast and die young
- Photo of the Day: Unusual visit
- From Kane County Chronicle, March 31, 2010: Fermilab reacts with excitement after particle collision
- From Chicago Public Radio, March 31, 2010: Swiss collider puts Fermi physicists to work
April Fools' Day edition, April 1
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- Computing Division passes 24-hour mark with no outage
- ARRA funds new construction for increased traffic safety
- Photo of the Day: Car wash benefits DUSEL project
- Fermilab cafeteria adds goose to menu, thrills localvores
- From CERN, April 1, 2010: High energy collisions reveal a paleoparticle