Fermilab Today Announcements
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Fermilab Blood drive had a $100 gas card winner
Congratulations to Randall Ward. The February blood drive collected 64 units of blood. Many thanks to all the caring people that shared the gift of life.
Employee Discount Offered at Batavia Rosati's
Rosati's of Batavia is now offering Fermilab employees a 15% discount on all menu items: Pizza, Pasta, Sandwiches/Wraps, Salads. Rosati’s of Batavia will deliver to Fermilab. Visit them on the web at http://www.RosatisBatavia.com. For more information visit http://wdrs.fnal.gov/recreation/convenience.html
Harlem Globetrotters Special Ticket Price - April 15
The Harlem Globetrotters 2010 World Tour offers Fermilab employees a special ticket price on Thursday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the United Center. For tickets please visit http://www.harlemglobetrotters.com and use Promotion Code: FNAL. For more information contact the Recreation Department at x5427.
Qi Gong, Mindfulness and Tai Chi Easy for Stress Reduction
This is a FREE weekly wellness class in moving meditation practices for vitality, wellness and stress reduction. We practice gentle movement, breath awareness, self-applied massage, and relaxation practice with guided meditation and visualization to foster higher immune system function, reduce reactivity, and activate internal healing resources. This is not a formal, martial Tai Chi class – but may serve as an introduction to the structured forms. Ongoing Fridays beginning Feb. 5, 12:00 p.m to 12:45 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium. For more info call Seton Handville at x2152 or the Recreation Dept. at x5427
Fermilab Management Practices Seminar beginning Feb. 11
The Professional Development Office has scheduled the winter session of "Fermilab Management Practices" beginning in February. To enroll, please visit http://wdrs.fnal.gov/train-dev/index.html
International Folk Dancing, Thursday evenings at Kuhn Barn
International Folk Dancing meets every week on Thursday from 7:30 - 10 p.m. at Kuhn Village Barn. There are dances for children, teaching early in the evening and request dancing later on. Newcomers are always welcome. More info at (630)584-0825 or (630)840-8194 or email folkdance@fnal.gov or visit http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/
Argentine Tango through March 31, Student Discount
Our new series of 4 tango classes starts Wednesday, March 3 with Daniel and Ramona. Class dates: March 3, 17, 24 and 31 (no class Mar 10)Level 1: Basic I & II: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (Practice - 6:30 p.m.)Level 2: Intermediate/Advanced: 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Practice until 10:00 p.m.). Regular/Student pricing for class levels: Attending one Level, 1 or 2 (4 class set): $60/$50; Attending both Levels 1 and 2 (4 class set): $85/$80; Individual classes: $18/$15. Pay first day of class. For information, sign up or directions, please send an email to noyes@fnal.gov or visit http://bss.fnal.gov/tango.pdf
Hiring Summer Students for 2010
It's the beginning of a New Year, which means the summer will be approaching us soon. Meaning "Summer Student Hiring Time". The links for summer students to apply for summer positions will be posted on our job opportunities page starting March 1. Employees who want to request for a summer student can find the request form on the WDRS Employment page under the heading of "For Fermilab Employees". If you have any questions please contact Jason Johnson at jasonj@fnal.gov. Please visit at http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/summer_employee_request.html
English country dancing - Sunday, March 7
English country dancing will meet on Sunday, March 7, at Kuhn Village Barn. The afternoon starts with dances for experienced dancers at 1 p.m., and dances for everyone from 2 until 5 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. To get on an email reminder list, or for more information, contact folkdance@fnal.gov or visit http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/english/
On-site Housing for Summer 2010 - Deadline TODAY
The deadline for submitting requests for on-site housing (houses, apartments, and dormitory rooms) for the summer of 2010 is TODAY, March 8. Please submit your request to the Housing Office. Requests can be made for any period and need not commence on any particular date. Contact the Housing Office at (630)840-3777 or housing@fnal.gov. Individual housing requests can be made by using our online form at http://bss.fnal.gov/accommodations/housing_request.html Requests for multiple housing units are best handled by direct e-mail to housing@fnal.gov
Calling All Softball Players
Come join Fermilab’s summer COED 14 inch softball league, new teams forming now. Games are played in the village on Wednesday or Thursday nights at 5:30. Season starts May 12 and runs through the end of August. This is not your typical park district league, there is no experience required and there is no cost to join the league. The only requirement is to have some fun, get a little exercise, and enjoy the outdoors. For more information, contact hockin@fnal.gov or visit http://wdrs.fnal.gov/recreation/Softball.html
Yoga Class Begins March 9
The next Yoga Class will be held on Tuesdays, March 9 - April 27, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Wilson Hall Auditorium. Class fee for this 8 week session is $85/person. A variety of physical and resting poses are performed in this one hour class along with various breathing and relaxation techniques. Wear comfortable clothes and bring an exercise mat. For more information call the Recreation Dept. at x2548. For more details see http://wdrs.fnal.gov/recreation/classes.html.
New Bible discussion starting March 9
On March 9, the Bible Exploration for Lunch League (BELL) will begin a discussion of the book of Romans during weekly Tuesday lunchtime (noon-1 pm) meetings in the 'Quarium' (WH-8SW). An inductive guide, entitled 'Romans/A Reasoned Faith,' will be utilized which fosters self discovery rather than prepackaged answers, and is user-friendly regardless of your level of familiarity with the Bible. Feel free to attend on a trial basis to determine if you'd like to continue; the first meeting will be introductory. For more details see http://www-org.fnal.gov/bell or contact bellweb@fnal.gov
DreamWeaver CS3: Intro offered March 9 or March 16
In this class you will create a Web site structure on your local machine, explore the Dreamweaver environment, add HTML Pages, set document properties. Organize site files using the Files panel. Create templates to help you develop multiple pages easily. Create a navigation bar using behaviors and by using the Insert Navigation Bar Tool, and much more. Please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0005&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X for more information or to enroll.
Barnstormers Delta Dart Night March 10
Come build and fly a Delta Dart rubber powered indoor airplane, building starts at 5:30 p.m. Competition flying at 7:00 p.m. sharp, prizes for longest flights in child and adult categories, kits are supplied by the Fermilab Barnstormers model airplane club. For more informaiton please visit
Interpersonal Communication Skills offered March 16
Increase your awareness of your communication skills and personality type. Develop the skills for more productive work relationships. For more informaotin or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=LS000503&thi.
Word 2007 Advanced class offered March 16
Learn to use Word efficiently with other programs. Modify user information, send a document for review, compare and merge document changes and review track changes and comments. Create, compare and merge document versions and much more! For more information or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0073&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X.
Facilitating Meetings That Work course offered March 17
This course promises fast-paced coverage of the secrets of facilitating meetings that truly produce results. For more information or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0035&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X.
Art Gallery Talk - Virginia Broersma - March 10
On March 10, Virginia Broersma will be discussing her exhibition “I live in a duplex” which includes her latest series of double portrait paintings as well as selected pieces from earlier bodies of work. Virginia has been working primarily with the medium of painting since finishing her BFA and has been navigating the challenges of being an artist, and even more specifically, being a female artist. Discussion will be encouraged and questions welcome.
Influence and Motivation: The Empowering Leader course offered March 24
This course builds on the skills taught in Interaction Management/FMP by helping managers and supervisors to: create an environment that fosters higher levels of energy and commitment with their staff; motivate individuals to perform better and achieve desired departmental results: and reinforce the key concepts and skills taught in the Interaction Management course. For more information or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0079&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X
PowerPoint 2007 Advanced course offered March 25
Personalize the PowerPoint Interface, customize save options, and apply advanced customization options. Set up a slide master, customize slide layouts, create custom themes, customize bullets, add common slide information, modify the Notes Master and the Handout Master and much more. For more informatin or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/schedule.show_course_details?cid=5542
Excel Programming with VBA class offered March 30 and April 1
The following topics will be covered: Working with Procedures and Functions, Understanding Objects, Using Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions, Controlling Program Execution, Working with Forms and Controls, Working with the PivotTable Object, Debugging Code and Handling Errors. For more information or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0075&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X.
FRA Scholarship 2010
The application period is now open for the 2010 FRA Scholarship for children of regular, full-time employees at Fermilab. View http://wdrs.fnal.gov/elr/FRA_scholarship.html for more details and application materials. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2010.
Immigration Law Information Session - March 1
Two attorneys specializing in Immigration Law will be here to discuss a range of immigration issues including: Preliminary background information, Description of agencies, immigration process, potential delays, Extraodinary Ability Visa, National Interest Waiver, Options for H1B holders at all points during their status. Following the session there will be an open question and answer session.
Monday March 1 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., Wilson Hall 1 West, you may bring your lunch.
Muscle Toning Class Begins March 2
Muscle Toning Classes offered in the Recreation Facility Exercise Room beginning March 2 thru April 29 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Class Fee: $86.00. Make payment in the Recreation Department, Wilson Hall, 15 West. For more information call Jeanne at x2548 or visit http://wdrs.fnal.gov/recreation/classes.html
Adaptive Leadership: Coaching for Individual Differences class offered Mar. 9
This is a follow-up course to the Fermi Management Practices seminar. This course will help you to recognize the four challenging tendencies in coaching situations and demonstrate how you can adapt your coaching approach to maximize the effectiveness of your coaching discussions. For more information or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=WDRS0078&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X
Excel Power User / Macros class offered Mar. 11
Learn the complexity of the Visual Basic Applications code in Excel. For more informaton or to enroll, please visit http://www-esh.fnal.gov/pls/default/course_summary.full_descr?this_course_code=LS000541&this_instr_type_code=CR&this_fermi_id=00000X
Public Speaking for Everyone March 4
In Toastmaster you can learn all the tricks of the trade and, best of all, you can do it in a friendly, supportive environment, with people who are there for the very same reasons. Join us for the next 1-hour fun-filled meeting on March 4 in the 7th Floor Racetrack at 12:00 p.m., feel free to bring your lunch. For more information, please contact Ben at bgalan1@fnal.gov or visit http://www.toastmasters.org
March 5 deadline for The University of Chicago Tuition Remission Program - March 5
The deadline for applying for the tuition remission program at The University of Chicago for the Spring 2010 quarter is March 5. For more information and enrollment forms, contact Nicole Gee at x3697 or visit the website http://wdrs.fnal.gov/train-dev/uchicago.html