Thursday, April 30
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- Concerned about swine flu?
- Result of the Week: The highest-energy collisions ever recorded
- Shirley Ann Jackson appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
- Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration postponed
- Photo of the Day: Star Wars comes to Fermilab
- From Science News, April 26, 2009: Living physics
Wednesday, April 29
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- From symmetry: Probing the heart of the atom
- Preparing like a wirewalker
- DASTOW ’09 set for June 10
- Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration postponed
- Photo of the Day: Fermilab ships completed 3.9GHz cryomodule to DESY
- From Telegraph, April 29, 2009: Obama: Nasa scientists snap most distant object in the universe
Tuesday, April 28
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- New personnel strengthen U.S. CMS operations
- Director's Corner: Celebration!
- Fermilab introduces more comprehensive Web site
- Extreme Beam lecture today, 4 p.m. in One West
- From AIP FYI, April 27, 2009: Obama: 3 percent of GDP for R&D
- From Department of Energy's Office of Science, April 27, 2009: Obama: Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) Awards
Monday, April 27
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- Upward and onward: Tevatron, NuMI reach records
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Environment: Landscaping with nature
- Lecture Series on Intensity Frontier starts today
- Extreme Beam lecture Tuesday, 4 p.m. in One West
- The latest from the LHC
Friday, April 24
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- From Quantum Diaries: A string of great seminars
- From symmetrybreaking: A story of the people who shaped Fermilab
- Nominations now accepted for director’s volunteer award
- Photo of the Day: Architects tour Fermilab
- From KEK Public Relations Office, April 23, 2009: T2K neutrino beamline started operation
Thursday, April 23
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- Federwitz keeps employees on task and laughing
- Result of the Week: CDF reaps double reward with double W measurement
- Keep your finger on the Pulse of DOE science
- Plant a tree April 30 in honor of Earth and Arbor Days
- Fermilab physicist George Gollin wins Guggenheim Fellowship
- From New Scientist, April 22, 2009: The five greatest mysteries of antimatter
Wednesday, April 22
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- Pine Street traffic a concern for bicyclists and motorists
- From FESS: Creating a SmartLab
- From SLAC: LCLS: The world's first hard X-ray laser achieves "first light"
- New Visa Office Web site
- From ScienceNow, April 17, 2009: Closer look at Einstein's brain
Tuesday, April 21
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- FNAL Ph.D. graduate Ryoichi Miyamoto earns APS award
- Director's Corner: EVMS
- Computing Division launches Fermilab Service Desk today
- From, April 16, 2009: NASA spots most crowded space collision ever
Monday, April 20
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- Lunchtime conversation may help combat global warming
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Computer security: The Internet’s dark alleys
- Cancer survivor's Fermilab visit to see therapy origins
- Deadline for employee art show applications today
Friday, April 17
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- Computing Division launches IT Service Desk
- Laboratory releases physics advisory committee report
- From symmetrybreaking: Particle physics Peeps
- From innovations report, April 14, 2009: Breaking symmetry in the strong force
- From New Scientist, April 15, 2009: Does gravity change with the seasons?
Thursday, April 16
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- Bison, birds and bugs, oh my!
- Result of the Week: Searching for the unexpected
- Extreme Beam lecture today at 4 p.m. in One West
- Chic Gamine performs at Fermilab Saturday, April 18
- From New Scientist, April 15, 2009: String theory: A beginner's guide
Wednesday, April 15
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- Students get early career opportunities from IMPRINT
- From the WDRS Section: Getting ready for summer
- Famed architect to speak at Fermilab at noon on Thursday
- New Service Desk to replace Helpdesk
- Photo of the Day: New employees
- From FYI AIP, April 14, 2009: FY 2010 Budget Update
Tuesday, April 14
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- Watch out for and report aggressive geese
- Director's Corner: A week of reviews
- From New Scientist, April 10, 2009: Is dark energy getting weaker?
- From Globe and Mail, April 13, 2009: What happens at absolute zero?
Monday, April 13
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- High-energy physics lab takes on high-energy weather
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Safety: Sitewide Emergency Warning System
- Photos of the Day: Serendipity
- From MIT News, April 8, 2009: Conrad, Doyle named Guggenheim fellows
Friday, April 10
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- Rob Roser named APS Fellow
- From iSGTW: Profile: Freya Blekman, from hockey to Higgs
- Linear Collider School now accepts applications
- From New Scientist, April 8, 2009: Inside the tangled world of string theory
Thursday, April 9
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- Extreme Beam lectures offer lens to laboratory’s future
- Fermilab Result of the Week: Climbing up to the Higgs
- Announcement: Fermilab forms disability awareness group
- From, April 7, 2009: National laboratory avoids Italy quake damage
Wednesday, April 8
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- DAMIC's search for light mass dark matter candidates
- R&D advances on all frontiers
- Photo of the Day: Catch of the day
- Letter from the Director of Gran Sasso laboratory
Tuesday, April 7
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- Chivas Makaroplos: Making Fermilab feel like home
- Director's Corner: Concern and sympathy
- From Discover Magazine, April 4, 2009: Where do old colliders go to die?
Monday, April 6
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- Marie Herman wins award for unsung heroes
- ES&H Tips of the Week - Health: Over the top
- In Memoriam: Wu-Ki Tung
Friday, April 3
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- Particle physicists chronicle their lives on the new Quantum Diaries Web site
- MINERvA opens eyes to neutrino data
- Photo of the Day: Just stopping by
- From symmetrybreaking: Steven Chu gets rock star status
Thursday, April 2
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- U.S. CMS and U.S. ATLAS receive DOE award/li>
- Result of the Week: The God Particle (or is it particles?)
- Letter to the Editor: A good laugh
- Extreme Beam lecture today, 4 p.m. in One West
- From CERN Bulletin, March 9, 2009: Crystals against cancer
- From Ars Technica, April 1, 2009: Extra positrons make for a cosmological mystery
Wednesday, April 1
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- Crafting the camera’s eyes
- The “E” and “H” in ES&H
- ES&H weekly report, March 31
- Photo of the Day: Blue skies and a big bird
- From SEED magazine, March 27, 2009: Exploding a theory
Wednesday, April 1 - April Fool's Day issue
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- Dernière édition de Fermilab Today en anglais
- Particles attempt lab takeover
- Student discovers flaw in Large Hadron Collider
- Fermilab restrooms go green
- Fermilab to move west