Wednesday, January 31
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- Little seeds make deep roots
- The future of precision
- Filming in a blue convertible
- From Science,
January 30, 2007:
U.S. House Throws Science a Lifeline
Tuesday, January 30
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- 'Humanist of the Atomic Age' is now available on DVD
- Director's Corner: President's Council
- Photo of the Day: Solid brass
- New Scientist
January 29, 2007:
The Large Hadron Collider: Bring it on!
Monday, January 29
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- Neutrinos and nuclei:
An inter-experiment hunt
- Safety Tip of the Week: Distracted driving
- Who's who: Check your skills
- NPR Science Friday,
January 26, 2007:
A conversation about particle physics
Friday, January 26
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- Who's who?
- The Machine Advisory Committee reviews the ILC Reference Design progress
- Photo of the Day: Fire and ice
- Now online:
Oddone joins discussion on nature of the universe (Originally broadcast on WGN Radio, December 19, 2006)
- People's Daily online, Beijing, China: January 23, 2007
Collision of discovery
Thursday, January 25
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- Profiles: Do you believe in magic?
- Result of the Week: Desperately seeking unification
- Readers Write: Now you see it, now you don't
- From iSGTW: grid, Grid or GRID?
January 23, 2007:
Physicists Develop Test for 'String Theory'
Wednesday, January 24
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- What's in a name?
- From ES&H:
Common Sense
- Letter to the editor about the Dark Energy Survey
- Milestones: Sharon Austin to retire
- From Science Daily,
January 23, 2007:
Synchrotron for neutral molecules built
Tuesday, January 23
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- Dark energy, say 'cheese'
- Director's Corner: Solidarity
- Readers Write: Older and wiser?
- Picture of the Day: Somebody get this 'possum a tissue
- Wisconsin State Journal
January 18, 2007:
South Pole project probes depths of universe
Monday, January 22
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- $50,000 suitcases fly to CERN
- Safety Tip of the Week: Age limits
- Tevatron keeps humming
- Scientific American,
January 19, 2007:
The Triangular Universe: Instead of string theory, four-dimensional tetrahedrons
Friday, January 19
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- The final countdown: Meson Facility set for ILC Test Beam
- Meeting at Daresbury
- Readers Write: What is a dry squeeze?
- Photo of the Day: Dan Hooper at the Batavia Public Library
- Beacon News,
January 18, 2007:
A short time ago, in a galaxy not so far away ... Fermilab worker creating his own 'Star Wars' film
Thursday, January 18
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- Fermilab offers Family Open House Sunday, February 11
- Result of the Week: The W weighs in again
- Readers Write: Thank you, Mr. Dixon
- FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
- From Science Daily,
January 9, 2007: 'God's particle' search Fermilab's last
Wednesday, January 17
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- CERN to host Hadron Collider Physics Summer School
- Let's focus
- Another record
- From Center Stage Chicago,
January 15, 2007: 137 Films: The science documentary production crew discusses Fermilab, filmmaking and the questionable future of science
- From Science Daily,
January 9, 2007: 'God's particle' search Fermilab's last
- Read exciting news about Fermilab in French
Tuesday, January 16
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- Preserving the pi poles
- Director's Corner: The Monday Class
- now offers weekly newsletter
- New York Times
January 14, 2007:
Where Protons Will Play
- NPR Science Friday
January 12, 2007: Podcast about Science Funding, Dark Matter and more...
Friday, January 12
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- The Christmas Fowl
- ILC NewsLine: Gearing up for LCWS 07
- Photo of the Day: Diamond sandpaper to the rescue
- Readers Write: Hometown artist
- Daily Herald,
January 12, 2007: Why Fermilab might shut down for a month
Thursday, January 11
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- Hometown artist brings watercolors to Fermilab
- Result of the Week: Is the Higgs afraid of Fermions?
- Photo of the Day: Comet
- Readers Write: Subtle humor?
- Nature News,
January 9, 2007:
Shrinking Higgs brings optimism to US lab
Wednesday, January 10
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- Treat your spine right with a little slouch in a comfy chair
- What's in a name?
- Meson Test Beam Facility Open House on January 12
- Readers Write: Catching a scam in action
- From Chicago Sun-Times,
January 9, 2007:
Fermilab closes in on 'God particle'
Tuesday, January 9
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- Tevatron: Two in a row
- Director's Corner: The rest of the year
- From the DZero collaboration: RunIIb upgrades
- Photo of the Day: Back from Iraq
- LSST Press Release
January 5, 2007:
Google Joins Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Project
Monday, January 8
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- New CDF measurement suggests a lighter Higgs
- Safety Tip of the Week:
2006 injuries
- Readers Write:
What's up with the coyotes?
- New York Times,
January 7, 2007:
Congressional Budget Delay Stymies Scientific Research
Friday, January 5
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- Director's Corner: Continuing Resolution
- Questions about physics? Just ask a Scientist
- In Memoriam: Chuck DeBaun
- Argonne-Fermilab BCP system coming together
- Kane County Chronicle,
December 27, 2006:
Discoverer of missing link to visit
Thursday, January 4
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- New management,
new letterhead
- U of C names Donald Levy Vice President for Research and for National Laboratories
- Result of the Week: A relatively simple idea
- Milestones: Sue Grumboski retires
- Photo of the Day: Contrails
December 29, 2006:
Big Science for 2007
Wednesday, January 3
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- When things go right
- In Memoriam: Geoff Manning
- Photo of the Day: Coyote in broad daylight
- From IEEE Spectrum,
January, 2007:
Thread-Bare Theories: String-theory critic calls for balance in physics research