Friday, December 21
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- All Hands video link available
- Federal budget impact on Fermilab and HEP
- The Tracker's Midnight Ride
- ILC Newsline: Omnibus is ominous
- Photos of the Day: US CMS completes forward pixels detector
- Medical Department closed next week, reopens Jan. 2
Thursday, December 20
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- All Hands meeting at 11 a.m.
- The CMS Tracking Detector's midnight ride
- Federal budget impact on Fermilab and HEP
- Chuck Grozis to retire
- Result of the Week: Getting answers from the W Boson
Wednesday, December 19
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- Federal budget impact on Fermilab and HEP
- In Memoriam: Paul Reardon
- New Wilson exhibit chronicles founder's years at Los Alamos
- From the Business Services Section: To prevent accidents: ask why
- ES&H weekly report, Dec. 18
Tuesday, December 18
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- Project X plans second workshop
- Director's Corner: Black Monday
- From symmetry: Free for all
- From Daily Herald, Dec. 12, 2007: Flocking to Fermi
Monday, December 17
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- AD head Roger Dixon honored with APS Fellowship
- Four Fermilab experiments among top 10 physics stories
- Laboratory Releases Physics Advisory Committee Report
- Safety Tip of the Week: Stay safe while shoveling
Friday, December 14
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- MINERvA gets CD-3
- Council appoints CERN’s next Director General
- CMS's night moves
- From CERN press release, Dec. 14, 2007: CERN Director General reports on LHC progress
Thursday, December 13
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- Fermilab Profiles in Safety
- Fermilab dancers shine at Museum holiday event
- From iSGTW: Montage a rising star in grid-enabled sky mosaics
- Result of the Week: Does top choose the road less traveled?
- From, Dec. 10, 2007: Missing matter caught in tangled cosmic webs
Wednesday, December 12
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- Smooth operator: AD system migration complete
- 'Tis the season for SPAM and Phishing
- From BSS: A new business model for scientific publishing
- New hires
- ES&H weekly report, Dec. 11
- From, Dec. 11, 2007: UK pulls out of plans for ILC
Tuesday, December 11
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- "NUMB3RS" story line could involve DZero experiment
- From iSGTW: Open Science Grid crunches through CMS simulations
- Director's Corner: Short fuse
- Eleventh annual URA Thesis Award Competition underway
- From Science Daily, Dec. 3, 2007: Dark matter in newborn universe doused earliest stars
- From, Dec. 5, 2007: Relativity: Still special
Monday, December 10
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- Listen to the lights: holiday gets new twist
- Mr. Freeze wins 2007 Director's Award
- Safety Tip of the Week: Walk and work carefully on slick winter surfaces
- Gran Sasso director to give presentation Monday
- From Columbia Spectator, Dec. 3, 2007: A day without yesterday
Friday, December 7
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- CMS tracker workshop connects people, ideas
- Photos of the Day: Precious cargo
- From ILC Newsline: U.S. manufactured cavity achieves high gradient
- Gran Sasso director to give presentation Monday
- From SLAC press release, Dec. 6, 2007: Persis S. Drell named fourth Director of SLAC
Thursday, December 6
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- Fermilab Profiles in Safety
- Fermilab Singers to join humorous holiday concert
- From iSGTW: Results from the SC07 Challenges: Analytics, Bandwidth, Cluster and Storage
- Result of the Week: Prepared for a challenge
- From San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 5, 2007: Cal's cosmic thinkers to get a place to hang out
Wednesday, December 5
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- Winter's here! Use extra caution
- Nancy Grossman leads NOvA through review process
- From the Accelerator Physics Center: Toward the intensity frontier
- Update of job descriptions for IT/Computing professionals
- New hire
- ES&H Safety Report, Dec. 4
- From CMS Times, Dec. 3, 2007: The waltz of the endcaps
Tuesday, December 4
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- Mexican Physical Society awards Appel for outreach
- Paging network to migrate this week
- Director's Corner: The beauty of zero
- From, Nov. 30, 2007: Splitting the quark
Monday, December 3
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- SC07 spiral chronicles computing history
- Safety Tip of the Week: Pedestrian safety at night
- From AIP FYI, Nov. 30, 2007: Hearing on barriers to women's advancement in academic positions
- From ars technica, Nov. 30, 2007: Dark matter stars may have lit the early universe