Monday, April 30
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- Reconstructing the universe, piece by piece
- Safety Tip of the Week: Electrical safety reminder
- From Scientific American,
April 27, 2007: Magnet Trouble Likely to Complicate Start of Large Hadron Collider
Friday, April 27
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- Fermilab Users Meeting to celebrate 40th anniversary
- ILC Newsline Director's Corner: KEK and Fermilab sign agreement to strengthen collaboration
- Update on LHC Inner Triplets
- From Press Release,
April 26, 2007: Closing the gap: descent of the last LHC magnet
Thursday, April 26
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- SciBooNE's aggressive move targets June commissioning
- Fermilab and partners create network for spouse placement
- Fermilab Result of the Week: Charged on Top
- From iSGTW: Medical Research on the Erasmus Computing Grid
- From New Scientist, April 20, 2007: MiniBooNE interview podcast
Wednesday, April 25
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- Behind the scenes in the conference office
- Kodee's Journey Home
- From FESS: Special words of gratitude
- From Chicago Sun Times, April 24, 2007: 3-D images put NASA up close with sun
Tuesday, April 24
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- Lincoln Park HS students mark Particle Accelerator Day
- KEK Director General Suzuki signs MOU
- Director's Corner: Responsibility
- From American Institute of Physics, April 23, 2007: Tevatron's Higgs Quest Quickens
Monday, April 23
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- Fermilab hosts National Mathematics Advisory Panel
- SciBooNE gets ready to move
- Precautions after treatment with radioactive isotopes
- From BBC News April 20, 2007: Dwarf stars emit powerful pulse
Friday, April 20
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- Crane will give SciBooNE detector a lift to its new home
- Fermilab Update on Inner Triplets at CERN
- Argonne, Fermilab celebrate Illinois Particle Accelerator Day
- ILC Newsline: SiD plans for the road ahead
- From, April 19, 2007: Colliders race for the Higgs
- From, April 19, 2007: Evidence for fourth neutrino fades
Thursday, April 19
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- Rare Peregrine pair spotted: Are they resting or nesting?
- Scout's Honor
- From iSGTW: Open Science Grid: Living up to the Name
- Result of the Week: Focusing on the Top Quark
- From, April 17, 2007: U.S. losing its lead in a vital branch of physics
Wednesday, April 18
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- U of C names Laurence Hill Associate Vice President for Research and National Labs
- Severe Weather Seminar will hit Fermilab twice on Saturday
- From FESS: Planning to move forward
- From, April 17, 2007: Dark matter looks to be particularly wimpy
Tuesday, April 17
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- First buffalo babies arrive
- Director's Corner: Steering
- From The New Haven Register, April 13, 2007: Study casts new light on neutrinos
Monday, April 16
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- Fermilab to highlight recycling and restoration efforts at Expo
- Laboratory Releases Physics Advisory Committee Report
- Safety Tip of the Week: Pandemic flu planning
- From Science Daily, April 13, 2007: Physicists Designing Detector For International Particle Collider
Friday, April 13
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- Super-cool superconductors
- First edition of NewsLine Q
- From ILC Newsline: Building prep almost complete for Fermilab's ILC Test Area
- From Scientific American, April 12, 2007: Experiment Nixes Fourth Neutrino
Thursday, April 12
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- MiniBooNE opens the box
- Best of Dance Chicago
- From iSGTW: GridPP: the UK Grid for Particle Physics
- Fermilab Result of the Week: CDF lowers the roof on Higgs
- From The New York Times, April 11, 2007: How Did the Universe Survive the Big Bang? In This Experiment, Clues Remain Elusive
Wednesday, April 11
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- IMPRINT makes an impression
- Business or 'bribe'?
- From April 9, 2007: Fellowships aim to stimulate young theoretical physicists
Tuesday, April 10
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- In Memoriam: Robert Betz, prairie visionary
- Director's Corner: Update
- From NPR's All Things Considered April 9, 2007: The World's Largest Particle Accelerator
Monday, April 9
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- Prairie fires continue their critical role in restoration
- Safety Tip of the Week: Tips on ES&H Training
- From NPR's Morning Edition April 9, 2007: Massive Particle Accelerator Revving Up
Friday, April 6
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- What's in a Name?: Color charge
- From ILC Newsline: Hot out of the oven, Saclay team improves cavity baking
- Milestones: 1967: First users' meeting
- From Scientific American, April 5, 2007: Bursting magnets may delay CERN collider project
Thursday, April 5
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- CMS' Gutsche gets grid going with workshop and seminars
- Fermilab Result of the Week: Using the buddy system
- Raiford succeeds Buckley in transition for FT interns
- From iSGTW: EGEE-II: A Grid for Research
- From The Beacon News, April 5, 2007: Eyes on Fermilab after part explodes in Switzerland
Wednesday, April 4
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- The real story: New editor welcomed at Fermilab Today
- The other reasons
- In Memoriam: Court Bohn
- From The New York Times, April 3, 2007: Long-Awaited Cosmic-Ray Detector May Be Shelved
Tuesday, April 3
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- Fermilab Update on Inner Triplet Magnets at LHC
- Director's Corner: The World Stage
- Bhat new secretary-treasurer of APS physics-society forum
- From, April 3, 2007: Magnet failure could delay hunt for Higgs
Monday, April 2
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- HF: First CMS subsystem takes data underground
- Safety Tip of the Week: Goose haven?
- Special Announcement: LHC triplet magnet information tomorrow
- Fishing in Fermilab's ponds: Come on in, the water's fine
- The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science Policy News,
March 30, 2007: Upbeat Appropriations Hearings on DOE Science Request