Friday, June 30
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- Stanfield's standard:
What's best for Fermilab?
- ILC NewsLine: Cavity buffs
- World Cup a family matter
for CDF's Veronica Sorin
- Photo of the Day: Gathering storm
- PPARC Press Release,
June 26, 2006:
GEO600 starts continuous search for Gravitational Waves
Thursday, June 29
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- SLAC's Marc Ross to head Technical Division this fall
- Result of the Week: CDF turns to the Dark Side
- Beacon News reports West Nile mosquitoes at Fermilab
- Give feedback on proposed bus service by tomorrow
- The Economist, June 22, 2006:
To catch a gravitational wave: Physicists hope to find a new astronomy and test some wacky ideas
Wednesday, June 28
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- Download 2006 performance review form for supervisors
- Beam Abort: Near lightspeed to zero in 21 microseconds
- Readers Write: We donut mean to annoy you
- Photo of the Day: Praying mantis II
- The Beacon News
June 25, 2006:
And where did he get all that money? Fermilab finds bank book from 1920s
Tuesday, June 27
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- Sloan says cosmic leftovers point finger at dark matter
- Director's Corner: The beautiful game
- Photo of the Day: The Syphertron collider at Fermilab
- The Daily Herald, June 25, 2006: Clash of the titans
- The Daily Herald, June 25, 2006:
Disappearing gravitons, strings, theory of everything
Monday, June 26
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- Artist reception for Meson and Wilbat: June 28, 5-7 pm
- Safety Tip of the Week: Summer injury peak
- What's on your chalkboard?
- Photo of the Day: Prairie in bloom
- SLAC Press Release, June 22, 2006:
Physicists size up the 'unitarity triangle'
- CERN Press Release, June 23, 2006:
CERN confirms LHC start-up for 2007
Friday, June 23
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- Syphers says Tevatron has power of two jelly donuts
- Excavation experts bask in MINOS's subterranean glory
- ILC NewsLine: The Canadian ILC Group and the Time Projection Chamber
- Yesterday's DASTOW a huge success: sampling of images
- Research News, June 21, 2006:
Berkeley Lab's Saul Perlmutter Wins Shaw Prize in Astronomy
Thursday, June 22
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- Correct URL for downloading Accomplishment Report form
- Conger takes on role as CFO
- Result of the Week: Probing QCD at DZero
- New York Times
June 20, 2006:
Hawking Takes Beijing; Now, Will Science Follow?
Wednesday, June 21
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- Employee Relations: Time for performance reviews
- The Logan Code: mysterious bank book owner identified
- What is a Critical Decision?
- New York Times
June 20, 2006:
Hawking Takes Beijing; Now, Will Science Follow?
Tuesday, June 20
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- We need your feedback on proposed bus service area
- Director's Corner: Dynamite
- Students to rub elbows with Nobel Laureates this month
- SLAC Today, June 19: New luminosity record for PEP II
- New Scientist, June 10, 2006:
Quantum strings and things
Monday, June 19
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- Tev revs up, operators troubleshoot, fight raccoons
- Safety Tip of the Week: West Nile Virus
- Picture of the Week: Site cleanup
- INFN Press Release,
June 13, 2006
Pamela goes to Space: it will explore antimatter and dark matter to unravel the mysteries of the universe
Friday, June 16
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- Bodman wants a safer DOE and a 'shift of mindset'
- Build the future: International Fellows Program at Fermilab
- ILC NewsLine: A Marriage Made in TTF
- INFN Press Release,
June 13, 2006
Pamela goes to Space: it will explore antimatter and dark matter to unravel the mysteries of the universe
Thursday, June 15
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- Kephart shares his views: Siting the ILC at Fermilab
- Result of the Week: Avoiding a breakup
- Photo of the Day: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
- Science Grid This Week: Archaeology 2.0
- New York Times,
June 14, 2006:
Graphic: Trolling for Cosmic Particles
Wednesday, June 14
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- Bodman speaks at 1:00 p.m.
- Fermilab one of "101 Best And Brightest Companies"
- NERP study: Prairie buries greenhouse gas component
- New committee plans blood drive at Fermilab, June 27-28
- Physical Review Focus,
June 9, 2006:
Testing a Universal Symmetry
Tuesday, June 13
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- Bodman to address
DOE employees
tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.
- Director's Corner: P5
- Fermilab receives 2006 Golden Family Award
- Women engineers meet at Fermilab, discuss future
- Picture of the Week: Red-tailed hawk
- People's Daily Online, June 9, 2006:
China, U.S. to launch joint neutrino experiment
Monday, June 12
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- Exhuming the past, history found under floorboards
- Safety Tip: Ticks
- High noon tee time, June 23
- New Scientist, June 2006
Test will show if dark energy interacts with dark matter
Friday, June 9
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- Counselor Brian Malinowski says no problem is too small
- ILC Newsline: ILC Communications Accelerate at KEK
- Another summer DASTOW set for Thursday, June 22
- From,
June 5, 2006:
A Cosmic Coincidence Resurrects the Cyclical Universe
Thursday, June 8
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- Oddone agrees with Alvy, Universe is our business
- Result of the Week: DZero homes in on the Higgs
- Science Grid This Week: Biomedical Research Feels the BIRN
- MSNBC online,
June 5, 2006:
Physicists probe the fifth dimension
Wednesday, June 7
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- Orbach Confirmed as Under Secretary for Science
- To Dr. Foxen, retirement
will mean new pursuits
- Computing Division hits safety, data milestones
- Wanted: Fermilab ushers, Reward: world-class shows
- Mercury News,
June 5, 2006:
Scientists seek to answer big question: What's the universe made of?
Tuesday, June 6
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- Pass me that rototiller
- Director's Corner: The UEC
- Photo of the Day: praying mantis
- Beacon News, June 4, 2006:
Prof aims to put NIU on high-tech fast track
Monday, June 5
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- Fermilab wins three environmental awards
- Result of the Week: Got heat?
- DZero releases 10th issue of Collected Physics Papers
- Le Vent du Nord, June 10
- Science, June, 2006:
Aging Atom Smasher Runs All Out in Race for Most Coveted Particle
- BNL Press Release,
June 1, 2006:
Nobel Laureate Raymond Davis Dies
Friday, June 2
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- Shapiro's powerful points add to impact of EPP2010
- Augustine gives context for "Gathering Storm" report
- Staffin: Clear, cohesive message is the priority
- Fermi Singers perform today
- ILC NewsLine: First US Processed ILC Cavity Achieves Milestone
- DOE Press Release,
May 30, 2006:
Statements from Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman on the Senate's Confirmation of Dr. Raymond Orbach as the Under Secretary for Science
Thursday, June 1
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- EPP2010 Chair Harold Shapiro speaks at 8:45 a.m.
- Rep. Biggert's good news
is a hit at Users' Meeting
- Result of the Week: Tough Top: Nothing but Jet
- Houston Chronicle,
May 24, 2006:
A bleak future for particle physics?