Minutes of June 30 PASREC Meeting
Attendees - all committee members, including Irwin via link from CERN.
The link to CERN was established at approx. 1:15 CDT, with audio only.
Meetings will be at 1:30 each Tuesday. Next week's meeting will be in FCC2A, but subsequent meetings will have to be elsewhere due to the RunII steering committee meetings.
Our first deliverable is due on July 15. This is the surveys of the experiments relating to their needs for RunII computing in the various applications - daq/on-line, simulation, and analysis. It was decided that this document does not need to be very long. Also, the experiments have ongoing discussions/workgroups on these topics, and the experiment reps on the committee could provide such reports by the deadline, and would decide among themselves how to assign the work. Status updates will be provided at next week's meeting.
An impromptu discussion of CDF's current use of ROOT developed. Rob mentioned that the product is currently being used for event IO, but not analysis. The full package is installed, but only the event IO portion is supported. They are using YBOS/ROOT conversion code, and their releases are less frequent than the developers'.
A list of candidate products taken from the preceding committees was presented, and we discussed how to perform the evaluation for the September deliverable. We will spend next week's meeting discussing the candidates, and creating a sketch of the procedure we will use to produce September document. Members agreed to review pasfrg and passuma www pages, particularly comments on the candidate products. We intend to select two or three products from the list, and to make a plan for evaluating them per the requirements.
Frank asked whether the selection of a second product later in the cycle will mean that the original solution will then become unsupported. In fact, per our charge, our long-term plan for continued technology tracking and product evaluation will take into account transition and/or support of multiple products. It was pointed out that we do not expect to find a product as ubiquitous as PAW has been, and so multiple products may well be a necessity.
Frank mentioned that at CDF histogramming already in progress, but that some hesitancy is evident, awaiting our recommendtions. Irwin said that a smooth migration to the new solutions will be part of the upgrade. Rob asked if we can make as a requirement that some fixes must be doable on a very short time scale. Irwin said that we can make such requirements if we believe them to be useful. It was agreed that it will be important to check on collaboration opportunities with the developers of the supported products.
Next week - selection of two or three most viable candidate products, strategy for getting evaluations, and status reports on the surveys.