PASFRG Minutes 2/12/98 Irwin presented an overview of our goal, schedule and charge which can be viewed in the links to the meeting slides and to the group charge (the url for the PASFRG home page is: There was some concern among the group members about the separation between this group, the functional requirements group, and the technical requirements group; clearly the two groups need to stay closely in touch once the second group gets going. There was also some concern from some members about our procedure, with the suggestion being made that it would be better to just study what was available and choose the best product rather than starting with requirements; nevertheless we will proceed on our course of requirements specification, and if we complete this phase more quickly than the 2-month deadline that will be great. We then discussed the initial draft of requirements, and several good additions were suggested by group members. There is a link to an updated set of requirements on the PASFRG web page reflecting these additions. A near-term order of business is to organize these requirements into some coherent groups and amplify and quantify them; any volunteers? We agreed that we need to educate ourselves about some current candidate products (for the purpose of understanding requirements as well as keeping some connection with the real world). The currently understood list of candidates includes: 0) PAW 1) ROOT 2) LHC++ 3) Nirvana/histoscope suite 4) Commercial/shareware/PC products Links to information about these systems are on the home page, and we will schedule some educational sessions about these products at future meetings. We then went off the record to allow group members to express their opinions. No consensus emerged, but there were interesting points made about several of the candidate products, and some are certainly of more interest than others. Next Meeting: Wednesday Feb 18, 9AM, FCC2A (with video links to Indiana and Maryland)