The Web is a goldmine of information, but sometimes it's hard to find what you want among the millions of web pages. This is an exercise to get you started searching for information on the web.
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There are a number of search engines, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Today we're going to take you to the one called Lycos. When you get there, you will see you have a choice to enter a search word or words or to select a Web Guide. You should try each way of searching so you can see what happens. If you enter a search word, you will receive back a list of Web pages containing that word. If your word (or words) is too broad in meaning, you may not get meaningful results. For example, it is not very useful to enter the word "internet". And that is why various search engines have other ways to do your search.
So let's try a Lycos Web Guide. Select "Science", then select "Physical Science" from the top 5% science sites, and then "Physics" and there we are, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Want to give Lycos a try? Then click here to go to Lycos.