Tune IT Up


Safer. Stronger. Better. That's the goal of the Tune IT Up campaign for computing at Fermilab. We will accomplish this goal by better managing computers, strengthening passwords, protecting important data and guarding against viruses.

Making these improvements will require reaching several milestones over the coming months. Check back with this page regularly to watch our progress.

The world-class science at our laboratory requires world-class management of our computing resources. Please do your part to help Tune IT Up.

Managing Computers

Making sure computers are properly configured and used at the laboratory

  • Complete a Tune IT Up assessment of all desktop and laptop computers that connect to the Fermilab network.
    (Click image for a larger view)
  • Review and update configuration requirements for all desktops and laptops that connect to the Fermilab network.
  • Ensure that all computers meet new requirements; assess any deviations.
    (Click image for a larger view)  
  • Allow access to a local account on a Windows computer only from that computer.
  • Improve efficiency and consistency of management of desktop and laptop computers.

Strengthening Passwords

Ensure passwords meet DOE standards of password complexity.

  • Require a 10-character minimum for passwords on the IMAP e-mail server.
    (Click image for a larger view)
  • Stop adding new IMAP accounts and begin setting up all new accounts on the Exchange e-mail server.
  • Move laboratory employees’ existing e-mail accounts from the IMAP e-mail server to the new Exchange e-mail server.
  • Require passwords to meet complexity guidelines for local accounts.

Protecting Data

Keeping all important data secure.

  • Review all laboratory contracts related to personal information.
  • Store all personal information in protected systems.
  • Train all employees who have access to personal information.
  • Hold basic and advanced trainings for recognizing and protecting personal information.
    chart chart
    (Click image for a larger view) (Click image for a larger view)

Guarding against Viruses

Respond quickly and effectively to all antivirus alerts.

  • Create new policy and response procedure for antivirus alerts.
  • Automatically block systems with serious infections.


  • Completed
  • In Progress
  • Upcoming
Last modified: 09/30/2011 |