Fermilab Today Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wed., February 28
Special Announcement: The LHC@FNAL center in Wilson Hall will show a day-long broadcast of the CMS magnet descent at CERN.
11:00 a.m. Fermilab ILC R&D Meeting - 1 West
Speakers: J. Norem and M. Pellin, Argonne National Laboratory
Title: Nano-Fabricated SCRF Composites
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Fermilab Colloquium - 1 West
Speaker: C. Keast, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory
Title: Three-Dimensional Integration Technology for Advanced Focal Planes and Integrated Circuits

Thurs., March 1
11:00 a.m. Academic Lecture Series - 1 West
Speaker: A. Kronfeld, Fermilab
Title: Course 5, Part 3: Lattice QCD with Applications to B Physics
1:00 p.m. ALCPG ILC Physics and Detector Seminar - West Wing- WH10
Speaker: Y.-K. Kim, Fermilab/University of Chicago
Title: Report from the HEPAP Meeting
2:30 p.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: X. Garcia Tormo, Argonne National Laboratory
Title: What Can We Learn from Semi-Inclusive Radiative Decays of Heavy Quarkonium?
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over

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Wilson Hall Cafe
Wednesday, February 28
-Vegetable Beef
-Crab Cakes
-Grilled Salmon
-Country Fried Steak with Pepper Gravy
-Beef and Cheddar Panini with Sauteed Onions
-Assorted Slice Pizza
-Cavatappi Pasta with Italian Sausage and Tomato Ragu

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, February 28
-Northern Italian Lasagna
-Caesar Salad

Thursday, March 1
-Seafood Soup
-Grilled Duck Breast w/Pan Asian Flavors
-Brown Rice Medley
-Vegetable of the Season
-Ginger Shortcake with Strawberries

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


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ILC NewsLine


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Fermilab Press Release

Down with physics: CMS magnet goes underground

A giant section of the CMS detector being lowered 100 meters below ground.

Scientists of the US CMS collaboration joined colleagues around the world in announcing today (February 28) that the heaviest piece of the Compact Muon Solenoid particle detector has begun the momentous journey into its experimental cavern 100 meters underground. A huge gantry crane is slowly lowering the CMS detector's preassembled central section into place in the Large Hadron Collider accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. At 1,950 metric tons, the section, which contains the detector's solenoid magnet, weighs as much as five jumbo jets and is 16 meters tall, 17 meters wide and 13 meters long. Its descent is expected to take about 10 hours.

"This is a challenging feat of engineering, as there are just 20 centimeters of leeway between the detector and the walls of the shaft," said CERN physicist Austin Ball, technical coordinator of CMS. "The detector is suspended by four massive cables, each with 55 strands, and attached to a step-by-step hydraulic jacking system, with sophisticated monitoring and control to ensure the object does not sway or tilt."

Of the CMS collaboration's approximately 1500 physicists, about one-third are U.S. scientists. Fermilab is the host laboratory for US CMS, and U.S. scientists have designed, built and delivered to CERN several key elements of the CMS detector. Currently, U.S. contributions to CMS are more than 98 percent complete. A U.S. team from Fermilab recently carried out a precision mapping of the magnetic field of the CMS solenoid magnet that is being lowered today. By observing the curvature of the paths of charged particles in the magnetic field, physicists will calculate the energy of particles flying out from billions upon billions of proton-proton collisions that will occur inside the detector.

You can watch live updates on the big screen in front of the LHC@FNAL center on the first floor of Wilson Hall. Updates will be broadcast all day.
Photo of the Day

Deceptively serene: CD's Darryl Wohlt took this photo in his backyard after a snowstorm blasted the Midwest over the weekend.

In the News

National Geographic,
March, 2007

Cosmic Explosions

Above is a picture of the Orion nebula by NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA), and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team.

National Geographic has published a gallery of celestial images, including one image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

See the whole gallery.

In the News

Science Daily,
February 24, 2007

Coldest Lab In Chicago To Simulate Hot Physics Of Early Universe, Explore Futuristic World Of Quantum Computing

Science Daily - Cheng Chin will make a vacuum chamber in his laboratory the coldest place in Chicago in order to simulate the impossibly hot conditions that followed the big bang during the earliest moments of the universe.

Read More

Steps for a healthier future

Today's column is written by Kay Van Vreede, head of the Workforce Development and Resources Section.

Kay Van Vreede

Last week, I attended a meeting with some of our medical insurance representatives, who shared information that I found worrisome. As a Lab, we are not in the best shape when it comes to our health. We are above the norm in cardiac cases, diabetes, lower back pain and weight conditions. But we don't take advantage of preventative care services like mammograms, pap smears, colon screenings and PSA tests as much as we could.

What can we do to help ourselves to be healthier now and for the future? We begin by taking advantage of some programs offered at the lab, such as medical screenings, wellness programs, exercise and sports programs. Did you know that we have 24-hour Health Information telephone lines? If you are in a Cigna plan, you can call 1-800-244-6224. If you are in a Blue Cross program, call 1-800-299-0274.

Here is an idea you can use today. If you are in a Cigna plan, you can register with myCIGNA.com. You won't believe what you will find. There is a health risk assessment that will rate your overall health as well as rate your risk for developing some of the major health problems. You can plug in different factors and see how to improve your health rating, and see ideas about steps you can take. You can also find quality and cost efficiency ratings for different procedures, tests, surgeries and doctors, to help you make decisions when you need to. If you are in a Blue Cross program, you can register on Blue Access to complete a health risk assessment at the Blue Cross Blue Shield website (www.bcbsil.com).

Let's help ourselves out and take some steps today to ensure our future health!


Open Science Grid Education Workshop
Deadline to register, March 2

The 2007 Midwest Grid Workshop will be held from March 24 to 25 at the National Center for Data Mining and the Laboratory for Advanced Computing at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and co-hosted at the International Center for Advanced Internet Research at Northwestern University. The workshop introduces essential skills to conduct and support large-scale scientific analysis in emerging grid and distributed computing environments for researchers in many disciplines. Participants will learn to use grids of thousands of processors and will be able to continue to use these resources for their research after the workshop. Students, researchers, educators and professionals in any scientific, data or computing-intensive disciplines may apply. The deadline is March 2 (notification by March 9). For more information and application, please visit the web site.

Housing Assignments for Summer, 2007
The Fermilab Housing Office is now taking requests for houses, apartments, and dormitory rooms for the Summer of 2007. There is a block of women-only dormitory rooms in Aspen East; when you make your request to the Housing Office, you may indicate your preference to stay in the women-only section. Since there will be a large influx of experimenters, and requests are anticipated to be in excess of our available facilities, you are urged to submit your request for reservations to the Housing Office by Thursday, March 1, 2007. Requests can be made for any period and need not commence on any particular date. For further information, please contact the Housing Office at (630) 840-3777, or housing@fnal.gov. Individual housing requests can be made using our housing request form online. (Requests for multiple housing units are best handled by direct email to housing@fnal.gov).

Children's Summer Day Camp
Registration for the Fermilab Summer Day Camp for children, ages 7 through 12 years of age, will begin March 1. Deadline to register is 5:00 p.m. on March 29. Entrance into the camp is made by lottery drawing on March 30. Session I is June 11 to June 29; Session II is July 2 to July 20; Session III is July 23 to August 10. The fee for each three-week session is $285.00. A $125.00 per child, per session deposit is required at the time of registration. More information regarding the camp and registration forms can be found in the Recreation Office, Housing Office, Users Office and on the Recreation web page or call the Recreation Office at x5427 or x2548.

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