Fermilab Today Thursday, April 1, 2009

Last English edition of Fermilab Today

Future issues to appear in French

A Fermilab Today reader recently wrote to the editor: “If you’re only going to run stories about the LHC, instead of stories about our hard-working Tevatron, why don’t you just publish in French?”

Reader input is important to Fermilab Today, and accordingly today’s issue will be the last one published in English. Beginning tomorrow, future issues will appear in French only.

Fermilab Communication Director Judy Jackson applauded the move.

“As the particle physics world increasingly turns its attention to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland,” Jackson said, “more and more Fermilab Today stories will address LHC-related topics. It makes sense for Fermilab Today to move with the times.”

When the LHC begins operating, it will produce collisions at several times the energy of Fermilab’s Tevatron. Many Fermilab scientists play important roles not only in the CMS experiment but also in the commissioning of the accelerator itself, and Fermilab Today will continue to tell their stories.

Readers who prefer an English-language publication are referred to the CERN Bulletin http://user.web.cern.ch/user/news/2009/090401.html /

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.