Workshop on

Information for Authors for Proceedings

Table of contents

General Information and Deadlines

The proceedings for HQ98 is being published by AIP. It takes an average of about 3 months for AIP to produce the proceedings once they have the camera ready manuscript. This appears to be the industry standard. For this reason the deadline for submission of papers for the proceedings is one month after the conference, i.e. November 16th 1998, (9am US central time).

Please get a copy of the instructions to authors for proceeding papers in PDF or PostScript format. All papers should be up to 10 pages in length. Camera ready manuscripts should be single sided with the text centered.

Note that we can provide a special section of pages for a list of authors from large collaborations. This will save you space for your paper. Please send me a single LaTeX list of authors or a camera ready list in the same format as the proceedings for each collaboration. A LaTeX template may be provided later.

Since conference proceedings have a relatively short useful lifetime, we will endeavor to send you a copy of the proceedings as soon after the Workshop as we possibily can. To this aim we have to set a strict deadline for submission of papers to the proceedings. Any late submissions will regretably have to be omitted.

We would appreciate it if you could have your proceedings submission ready as soon as possible. A complete electronic version is preferable as we eliminate postage time from Europe (as long as we can print out a camera ready version from the electronic version). We can also link this version to the HQ98 WEB site.

Electronic versions should be mailed to Harry Cheung at or camera ready paper versions may be mailed to:
**** Please don't forget to also send me the copyright transfer form, and any required permissions forms and the offprint/reprint order form if you want offprints of your own article.

Harry W.K. Cheung
MS 122
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
P.O. Box 500,
Batavia, IL 60510-0500

- Street is Wilson and Batavia Roads for FedEx overnight
- Please send two versions, including one camera ready, the other will be scanned for the WEB page.

Note that the deadline is for the receipt of the manuscript, not when it is posted. (Note that some departments and labs use a courier service for cross Atlantic post to send mail in bulk, in some cases I have seen this take over a month. In contrast regular airmail from Europe to the US usually takes about 6-10 days). We apologize for having to set such strict deadlines, but it is the only way to ensure timely delivery of the proceedings.

LaTeX Instructions

As well as the conference proceeding instructions, which you will receive a copy of at the conference, we have made available LaTeX macros designed for this conference proceedings. We apologize that we are not able to provide macros or templates for any other word processer. The LaTeX macros originally came direct from AIP through their WEB page. These LaTeX macros and associated instructions were tested and we found some inconsistencies between these and the conference proceedings instructions. Some files were corrected, so for this reason you should just use the files designed for HQ98. You should however be aware of the inconsistencies that are listed below. In the case of any unlisted inconsistencies you should follow the Conference proceeding instructions(PS version) rather than the LaTeX instructions. You can also contact Harry Cheung at

Known inconsistencies:

  • The LaTeX output text area is very slightly different in size and certain spaces are different as compared to those indicated in cp6x9.pdf. Differences are of order of 1-2 mm which is acceptable.
  • The Equation numbering for multi-line equations should be centered according to cp6x9.pdf. However the LaTeX output has, for example in a two line equation, the equation number level with the first line instead of between the two lines. This is acceptable. However please center the equation number when you can.
  • Table column heads should be in bold according to cp6x9.pdf. However the LaTeX output defaults to non-bold and the aipproc.tex does not mention this type setting. However you should use bold table column heads where you can as is done with the (updated) sample input files.
  • When referring to references, cp6x9.pdf says to use parenthesis like (1), however the LaTeX output actually use square brackets like [1]. This is acceptable.
  • No color figures are accepted for this proceeding. If your PS file is color, that is fine as long as you (or we) print it out in black and white for the camera ready manuscript.

  • Page maintained by H. Cheung
    Last Revised: November 17, 1998
    title: HQ98 Author Information