Sasha Kushnirenko 06/19/2001 How to update documentation of this Web page. This Web page can be editted under "ckm" account. There are two styles that can be used - Plain Text for simple additions - Subdirectory with index.html and some pictures for complicated documentation. If you want to add information in PLAIN TEXT do the following: -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Edit e949-log-book.html and add your text there. Everything there is surrownded with
 so your text will be 
   preformated same way you type it in.

   Add a tag to your text, so that we can reference it.  
   I recommend tag name which correpond to the date in the form YYMMDD
   For example:

Wed Jun 6 13:15:23 CDT 2001 summary of Bob T & psc's BNL trip 2. Edit index.html and create a link to your entry in the table. Add extra information of what is discussed. For example: 06-Jun-2001 Peter Update of RS TDC CAMAC operations If you want to add information as HTML page do the following: -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create subdirectory with a name corresponding to the date YYMMDD (this allows natural sorting when you do ls) 2. Steal "index.html" file from "example" directory. Adjust it to your needs. OR create "index.html" in XEmacs, it will automatically add all necessary headers and trailers. 3. Make Web page as sexy as you want to 4. Add link in the main table. Put there not just the name of the Web page but some extra info as well. 5. Add link in the PLAIN TEXT e949-log-book.html, for example:
06-Jun-2001 Bob RS TDC fixes, Installation of L1.1 trigger