List of changes between v3_2 and v3_3 driver vavilov: UHBK unit is added. It is supposed to be used for constantly opened HBK files like in CKM_read program which works with Ntuples. ckmkuexe.F jurgen: introduce and handle wavelength cutoff in RICHes jurgen: change ipart,trtyp,amass,tlife,charge to local variable to avoid clashes with common blocks vavilov: SPART command is now processed here and in a slightly different way: if you put 0 as the first element of branching or decay_mode vector GSDK routine will not be called. GUDCAY will be call instead at tracking time. ckmkuini.cdf jurgen: introduce and handle wavelength cutoff in RICHes gudcay.F jurgen: add and move cvs headers vavilov: Now it contains a code decaying K+ into e nu gamma, mu nu gamma (depending on ubuf(1) variable one supply at particle definition) according to appropriate matrix element (Author: Sasha Pastsiak). ubuf(1) = 1 -> e nu gamma ubuf(2) = 2 -> mu nu gamma Use other numbers to introduce your own decay(s). gustep.F jurgen: make names linux compatible vavilov: Add code that stops any particle enetering any of 4 VETOs: BIVS, VVS, FVS, MVS if ISWIT(4) = 1 (this increases a simulation speed). uginit.F jurgen: introduce and handle wavelength cutoff in RICHes vavilov: Redefine an action routine for SPART KUIP command to ckmkuexe. driver/doc ckmgeant.html jurgen: update for v3_3 mdecay.html jurgen: add and move cvs headers vavilov: Describes how to introduce your own decay (say according to some matrix element) in CKMGEANT. examples drawckmy.kumac jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: This is the kumac that draws the CKM apparatus in elevation view fvs fvs_gustep.F vavilov: Remove obsolete "IF(iswit(4).EQ.1) ISTOP=2" line. keat keat_geom.F godang: fixed the sense wire diameter godang: increase KEAT chamber frame size slightly read CKM_read_final.F ramberg: Save for HBOOK in ckm_read vavilov: Ntuple is saved to disk periodically (when a buffer is full; HBOOK recommended way to deal with Ntuples) CKM_read_init.F ramberg: Added new ntuple entries for UMS variables vavilov: Ntuple is saved to disk periodically (when a buffer is full; HBOOK recommended way to deal with Ntuples) CKM_read_user.F ramberg: Added umsana to the analysis and save its variables in ntuple. jurgen: change ifimx to nhits_vvs jurgen: add new ums routines VVS_read.F caroline: comment out write statments caroline: Renamed the number of hits/track in the VVS nhits_vvs jurgen: changed the output format to include deposited_energy/tk & more veto info (Caroline) dmsana.F ramberg: Added check on number of hits to make sure less than maximum of 100 kpnn_cuts.kumac ramberg: Fixed duplicate entry for cut 5 jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: This is a kumac that contains cuts for the kpnn signal that a cts on the ntuple that is created by ckm_read. magnet_bm105.config jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Magnet configuration file for UMS analysis master.config jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: The master configuration file for UMS analysis polarity.config jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Magnet polarities configuration file for UMS analysis pwc_08_120_lrg.config jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: The configuration file for UMS chambers umsana.F jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: The UMS analysis routine jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Common block for results from UMS analysis jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Declarations for variables in umsana common block jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Set of common blocks for UMS analysis routines umslib.F jurgen: fixed some linux goodies jurgen: handle config files in ckmgeantdir jurgen: Add cvs headers ramberg: Library of routines for UMS analysis rich cerenkov.F jurgen: introduce and handle wavelength cutoff in RICHes prch_geom.kumac jurgen: increase tild angle to get PC out-of-beam jurgen: introduce and handle wavelength cutoff in RICHes scripts jurgen: move also config files to dat ums ums_geom.F godang: fixed the sense wire diameter godang: increase UMSC chamber frame size slightly ups setup.csh jurgen: add printout of compilation date at setup of devel version jurgen: add printout of compilation date at setup of devel version vvs check_veto.F caroline: write out inefficiency vvs_gukine.F caroline: initialize the number of hit per track with new name nhits_vvs caroline: reset multiplicity caroline: Initialize the total energy deposited/tk+ some additionnal veto info vvs_guout.F caroline: renamed nhits_vvs the number of hits in vvs (old ifimx) jurgen: adapt new philosophy of output_mode caroline: save indices,rename number of hits nhits_vvs, change output #from 5 to 7 caroline: Change wirte format of pmt energies to collect lower energies caroline: Added the total energy deposit/tk-Track xyz at position of 1st hit in Sc if there is such a point-&some more veto info added vvs_gustep.F caroline: saving the indices, rename number of hits nhits_vvs caroline: stop showering e+/- above 10 MeV caroline: Includes only tracks entering a radius >/= VVS modules caroline: Check on multiplicity jurgen: limit error printout to one per event caroline: Added total_energy deposited/track- tk xyz 1st hit position in scintillator if there is such a point caroline: Infinite time of flight (gt 0.001sec) replaced by tofg=1 sec caroline: renames number of hits per track nhits_vvs caroline: Added total energy deposit/track and more veto info